13 Distressing Memes For These Distressing Times
These memes are meant to leave you seriously uncomfortable. There's something about them that's inherently upsetting, usually due to the disturbed intentions of the Redditors who created them. Thanks to the devoted subreddit aptly named /r/distressingmemes, these memes have been growing in popularity lately, since some primal part of the human mind just loves to be scared.
Some of these are genuinely concerning, and others are a more hypothetical kind of terror, but all of them are just a little too specific and a little too cursed to be deemed anywhere near normal. It takes a somewhat broken sense of humor to appreciate these, but thankfully most of us have a strange sense of humor already, so go ahead and take a good long look at the most disturbing new memes from some rather odd people who really want to leave you feeling instant regret about your decision to go online today.
Why You Shouldn't Go Caving
(Source: Reddit)
People don't belong in caves. Caves are where terrible things happen.
This One's Too Real
(Source: Reddit)
Things have been rough lately, but we always say they'll be better next year. Or the next year. Or maybe the next one after that.
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