Two images from r/distressingmemes

14 Memes Made From Your Intrusive Thoughts

There sure are lots of memes out there. They all exist for different reasons. Usually, memes exist to make people laugh and smile. Memes usually do contain some dark humor to some degree, but in general, they are lighthearted. Memes can also be overly positive and wholesome. But sometimes some people want to get in touch with their dark side. They want to experience a bit of existentialism for a minute and feel different. That's okay too and there are memes for that.

Distressing memes are the kinds of memes that promote a terrible and somewhat bone-chilling feeling. They make people think deeper and feel rather uncomfortable. There is a subreddit on Reddit that contains many of them too, /r/DistressingMemes. This subreddit is one of the most uncomfortable ones out there. The humor is dark, gloomy, and sometimes maybe crosses a line. The content on there might make you spiral into some sort of crisis so proceed with caution. Here are some distressing memes that may bring down the mood.

AI Things

Me watching an indistinguishable Al video of myself in a place I've never been doing something I've never done at my murder trial:

(Source: Reddit)

Trapped in a Nightmare

Kid: I can't wait to grow up and be a good parent! Generational trauma: No

(Source: Reddit)


i think we will all be fine Plants are slowly stopping with reproducing and we don't know why. if we don't find a solution, the changes could be irreversible as soon as by the early 2030's

(Source: Reddit)


Me, a time traveller, watching the successfully towers fall after diverting the planes

(Source: Reddit)


After a nap this sight greets you. One wrong move and you'll be put through agony. made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Future Predator

ATTENTION: Have you seen this creature? Hopefully you have not, as this is a Future Predator and it doesn't exist yet. If you are in fact seeing this animal, you have fallen into some sort of rip in the fabric of time. DON'T MAKE ANY NOISE!

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Get a Pet Chimp

POV: You're about to get your face ripped off, your limbs mauled and left in a severe health state just because you came home with a different haircut and you pet chimp didn't recognize you and showed off his teeth in an attempt to warn you not to enter his territory but in your ignorance you kept walking towards him thinking he was just friendly smiling

(Source: Reddit)

How Odd

when I ask the crystal ball to show me the death dates of me my family friends and famous people and it keeps showing me the same date

(Source: Reddit)


man i accidently lost my wallet in that crack,do i risk losing my limbs too?

(Source: Reddit)

I Don't Have the Money, Hatman

When you take your Apple Vision Headset off but the Hatman is still there

(Source: Reddit)


When you get to the afterlife and find an empty white void inhabited only by the body of your lifeless god

(Source: Reddit)

That's Unfortunate

when you die in a car crash and suddenly get reincarnated into a frog with all of your past memories of your wife and 2 children intact (this is your life now):

(Source: Reddit)



(Source: Reddit)


There are more habitable planets in the universe than there are grains of sand on the Earth but you'll never experience any of that because you're just meat on a rock staring at the stars

(Source: Reddit)

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