
12 Memes Sent Straight From 'South Park'

a collection of memes from the show South Park images are of a delivery man looking into a ring camera and a Karen running and calling herself a victim
a collection of memes from the show South Park images are of a delivery man looking into a ring camera and a Karen running and calling herself a victim

Published September 22, 2020

Published September 22, 2020

Even after twenty-three seasons on the air, South Park remains one of the most beloved comedy shows of all time. While the release date of the next season has yet to be revealed, Comedy Central did announce that a special one-hour episode would air on September 30th and tackle the current pandemic. Since news headlines have been flooded with insanity in 2020, many have joked that this year has definitely been written by the show's creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Here are 15 of our favorite memes as we eagerly wait for our favorite town to medicinally mock the past couple of months that we've unfortunately had to endure.

Trudeau Looks Great

(Source: u/Ian_Aqua)

An Even Match

(Source: u/leon_everest)

Keeping It Classy

(Source: u/Pirate_Redbeard)

Towelie Belongs On Bravo

(Source: @ibytsky)

Try Again

(Source: u/cornasmart)

Wise Words

(Source: u/SaltySpl2n)

Miss Those Days

(Source: u/jewmodel)

Apologies For This Visual

(Source: u/MattloKei)

I Am A Genius

(Source: u/thebipolar_bear)

We Have You On Candid Camera

(Source: u/skylar_fox6)

This Logic Is Frightening

(Source: u/rajeshbhat_ds)

A Tough Price To Pay

(Source: u/DUK_master)

Tags: south park, 2020, canada, donald trump, randy marsh, wine, woman yelling at a cat, booze, quarantine, religions, kenny, masks, carole baskin, jeff bezos, apocalypse, karen, delivery men, tree fiddy, collections,