14 Satisfying Times Justice Was Actually Served

If you've ever doubted whether or not karma is real, we're happy to provide you with evidence that it does exist. At least, sometimes. For many of us, we feel like the world will never treat us fairly, and there's no way to get payback for something someone has done to wrong us. Or, on the other hand, there are some people who think they're above the law simply because of how many social media followers they have. Not to name names here, but I think you know exactly the kind of people I'm referring to here.
However, karma can occasionally make an appearance and seek justice for those who deserve it. It's satisfying to see something work out so perfectly, even if it started so tragically. The following people have either committed crimes or acted inconsiderately towards people or animals. In a world where fairness is rarely acknowledged, it's nice to see people be reprimanded for their awful actions. Here are 14 delightful cases of justice actually being served.