
14 Starter Packs To Help You Begin Something Highly Specific

Left: a starter pack series of items related to board game night, ending with the fact that no one comes
Right: a starter pack of late 2010s nostalgia
Left: a starter pack series of items related to board game night, ending with the fact that no one comes
Right: a starter pack of late 2010s nostalgia

Published February 25, 2022

Published February 25, 2022

The starter pack is one of the most tried and true meme formats ever. A series of photos, with text attached, all pertaining to some known stereotype or highly specific situation: it’s the perfect formula. Starter packs participate in a very natural and primal human need to classify. We want to place information where it belongs, to organize what we see, and to label everything. The best starter packs are the ones that are deeply perceptive about the world, which identify a type or stereotype you’ve never seen before, and hit the nail on the head by reminding you exactly what those people wear, say, or do. Some of these starter packs veer into stranger territory, turning more abstract, which seems to be a growing trend. Here are fourteen starter packs from Reddit 's r/starterpacks that will be useful if you want to begin doing or being any of these highly specific things.


(Source: Reddit)

Searching For Common Ground

(Source: Reddit)

Always Sad To Leave

(Source: Reddit)

Remember back when the family stopped for lunch and to use the bathroom after hours of your whining from the backseat no a road trip, and you met a wonderful friend and you had a great time in the ball pit but had to leave because fate drew you in opposite directions?

Highly Specific, Highly Ornate

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Too Soon

(Source: Reddit)

Not enough years have passed since the 2010s to remember them. This meme came too soon.

Hacking Formula Hacked

(Source: Reddit)

Side Effects May Include…

(Source: Reddit)

nausea, vomiting, headaches, tearful reunions with grandchildren, trouble understanding smartphones, oddly specific interests, death.

Board Game Night

(Source: Reddit)

Movie Painting

(Source: Reddit)

This One Gets Abstract

(Source: Reddit)

Is this a… poem? Or still a meme? Or something else entirely. A new form.

Shots Fired

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The word "nostalgia" comes from the ancient Greek for "a wound that still hurts."

We All Knew One… Or Were One

(Source: Reddit)

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Tags: starter packs, memes, image macro, funny, reddit, starterpacks, collections,

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