
15 Chaotically Good Human Beings

chaotic good
chaotic good

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

The society we currently live in is far from perfect, with depressing news stories constantly flooding our television screens. Sometimes, this makes people feel helpless. Many of us simply stand by while the world falls apart around us, because it feels like there's so little we can actually do. Other times, a few very deranged yet special people set out on a journey of trying to better the world in a unique way, even if it's technically illegal. And their strategies are surprisingly effective, plus they're pretty entertaining, especially for the rest of us who would never dare do something completely ridiculous yet amazing.

The following stories are collected from the subreddit /r/ChaoticGood. They all are, in their own ways, completely brave souls, and we love the ideas they've come up with. We wish we could be as insane yet benevolent as these people, but since we're not all as creative as them, here are the best stories of doing good through chaos for us to appreciate.

Where Is This Netflix Movie?

(Source: Reddit)

Karma Is Great

(Source: Reddit)

On Behalf Of Tennesse Williams….

(Source: Reddit)

Car Thief and Parenting Enforcer

(Source: Reddit)

Save Malik

Peace Indeed

(Source: Reddit)

This Has To Be One Of The Kids From Stranger Things

(Source: Reddit)

An Interesting Strategy That Paid Off

(Source: Reddit)

Hopeful Vandalism

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Letting Us Know

(Source: Reddit)

Always Use Improv In Fights

(Source: Reddit)

How Do We Pay His Bail?

(Source: Reddit)

You Get What You Deserve

(Source: Reddit)

Eat The Rich

(Source: Reddit)

Most Relevant Indeed

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/chaoticgood, reddit, mcdonald's, satan, craigslist, bicycles, florida man, cecil the lion, twitter, anti-vax, game of thrones, spoilers, fights, intervening, knives, collections,