15 Coincidental Moments Of Comedy

Sometimes, but not super often, things work out in just the right way. Juxtaposition is a word for the moment in time where two things that were never meant to go together come together to create an amazingly entertaining screenshot. It is quite a coincidence when these things happen, but it is always a great time when they do. Juxtaposition can occur between any two things, but it is seen very commonly on Reddit with the perfect posts popping up right by each other, or a post and a very targeted ad just happening to come together at the right time.
Reddit has a subreddit that is aptly named /r/juxtaposition. This community is dedicated to the discovery and collection of these wonderful little moments in life where two things come together by pure coincidence to make an entertaining and interesting little joke. Here are 15 of them for a chuckle or two today.