15 Demanding 'Choosing Beggars' Who Went Too Far | Know Your Meme
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15 Demanding 'Choosing Beggars' Who Went Too Far

Two choosing beggars in the following collection.
Two choosing beggars in the following collection.
By Rebecca Rhodes

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

Apparently, there are a lot of entitled people in the world. So many, in fact, that an entire subreddit was created to showcase their nonsense. It's called /r/ChoosingBeggars, and it certainly lives up to its name, because while many of us learned long ago that "beggars can't be choosers," it's pretty clear that these people didn't take that advice to heart.

Hopefully, no one you know is anything like these people, because we can't imagine what it would be like to encounter someone like this in real life. Seeing them act like this on social media and online shopping platforms is bad enough. Yes, times are tough out there, but if you really need something desperately, you won't be begging for the newest model. These people think they should be given whatever they want for free, though, and we're all rooting against them. Here are some of our favorite choosing beggars who really should have minded their own business.

Owner of Three Restaurants Asks People to Tip More to Pay His Employees

(Source: Reddit)

So apparently it's up to us to spend more money than we can afford on tips in order to keep these employees afloat.

Full-Size Candy Bars Required

(Source: Reddit)

How much do you think it costs to give out full-size candy bars to every trick-or-treater? Plus, this isn't even their neighborhood, since they had to drive to get there.

It's Literally Free

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Kid

(Source: Reddit)

This tactic is a popular one amongst choosing beggars, and it still doesn't make much sense at all.

The Ice Cubes Are Pretty Weird Though

(Source: Reddit)

Obviously this post reeks of entitlement, but I am definitely curious why they decided to hand out ice cubes at a parade. Was it hot? Either way, that's very specific and weird.

This Person Asked for a "Cowriter" for a Book, Completely Unpaid

(Source: Reddit)

So basically, you do all the writing for this book that she claims God shared with her in her dreams, and you get paid none of the profits. It's not like there would be any profits on this one anyway, though.

That's Very Specific

(Source: Reddit)

$1000 Junk Removal Service for Free

(Source: Reddit)

Contrary to popular belief, no one wants to spend their day rooting through your trash and hauling it to a dump for absolutely no payment.

Life as a Digital Artist

(Source: Reddit)

The exposure is worth it, right? Right?

Gotta Be Fly

(Source: Reddit)

Marketing Opportunity: Build Me a Garden for Free

(Source: Reddit)

That's the Monthly Wage?

(Source: Reddit)

Full-time work for cleaning five homes deserves far better pay than this.

Free iPhones 7 and Above Please

(Source: Reddit)

Just 125 Years of Payments

(Source: Reddit)

Entry-Level Pay for a PhD

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: karens, karen, cringe, cringeworthy, entitled people, choosing beggars, /r/choosingbeggars, reddit, fail, funny, collections,