a collection of memes submitted to us by our fans on Facebook images are of the crocodile from 'Peter Pan' with a TikTok joke and Michelangelo popping up out of the sewer

15 Great Memes From Our Fans To Get You Coughing And Sneezing And Crying And Laughing

Our fans have great taste in memes. It's just a universal fact. Our fans are better than anyone else's fans, especially when it comes to humor. We love you guys (and you keep us employed), and to prove it, we've reached out to some of you amazing people for some great meme recommendations. And now, it's time for our roundup of all of the best memes we received from our weekly "meme checkpoint" social media challenge!

On Facebook, we pulled over fans of the official Know Your Meme page and asked them to show us the most recent meme in their phone. We've seen them all: the good, the bad and the weird, and we love every one of them, but we've chosen our absolute favorites to add to our site's honorable mentions of the week. Out of the numerous responses we got, here are the best memes submitted to the post from this week.

A Way To Honor Us All

Someday, once humans are extinct from covid-19.I hope whatever species rules Earth makes chicken nuggets in the shape of us like we did for dinosaurs.

(Source: Facebook)

Thank You

Positive Possum believes you can do the thing

(Source: Facebook)

Heat Wave

Me: I hope the temperature isn't too'high today. The Temperature:

(Source: Facebook)

Corona Extra, That Is


(Source: Facebook)

Get Rid Of Those Toxic Friendships

The tree said, "No, it's time we set boundaries." Some And the tree was happy.

(Source: Facebook)

It's Quite The Scary Word

Nathan Monk @fathernathan Thaven't seen a villain this afraid of hearing "tiktok" since Captain Hook.

(Source: Facebook)

Can't Wait To Read The Yelp Reviews


(Source: Facebook)

Thanks For Stopping By

that one facebook friend that only pops up to disagree

(Source: Facebook)

dEaL wItH iT

Government: Stay inside Half the population: Catch me outside Phil how bow dat?

(Source: Facebook)

Now That's What I Call Freedom!

health experts: please wear protective suits in space americans:

(Source: Facebook)

3 Is Generous

Science: Humans need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night to function normally My body: SEE MORE Best I can do is 3 hours

(Source: Facebook)

Quite The Schedule

Two actual pictures of me showing my everyday life

(Source: Facebook)


when you're 30 but hear Tony Hawk Pro Skater has a remastered version coming out

(Source: Facebook)


When you realize that you can't steal pens in online classes

(Source: Facebook)

Light Me Up

When someone asks me how much 2020 is stressing me out?

(Source: Facebook)

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