Two literature memes in the following collection.

15 Humorous Literature Memes About Some Of The Most Classic Novels Of All Time

Whether you love or hate the classics, literature memes can add some meaning to books you otherwise might not appreciate. Admit it, you probably haven't read a book lately. Even if you like to read, it often feels like our lives are just too busy, but now, we can pretend we've been doing it all along with these memes. That way, people can continue making fun of us for reading while we reminisce on the nostalgia of these books we all know and love.

On the other hand, maybe you just like to joke about the books the teachers in high school made you read, which you definitely read none of and absolutely hated. We're not here to judge, and all of us can enjoy these memes one way or another, even if it's just to make those old classes worth half a second of amusement. For everyone suffering through AP English class or long free of the horrors of high school, these memes will bring back some very specific memories from what you've read (or pretended to read). Here are some of the best book-themed memes out there.

Brandon Mull and Brandon Sanderson

If I had a nickel for every bestselling Mormon fantasy author named Brandon, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Wuthering Heights

Catherine to Mr. Lockwood when she appears at the window Let me in. LET ME UHUHIN!

(Source: Reddit)

Not So Fun

American novels Irish novels about about Irish families families

(Source: Reddit)

I Don't Think You Know What a Comic Book Is

UND The iliad is just a made with mematic comic book for intellectuals CHANGE MY MIND

(Source: Reddit)

It Doesn't Help that Every Character Has Multiple Names

Me after 30 pages in any book by Dostojevski: WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe It Would Have Spared Him Some Awkwardness

Oedipus Come clean about killing King Laius OR draw 25 UNO made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

I Just Hated All of Them Actually

the Virgin Hindley The Chad Heathcliff Lapsed into Alcoholism and lost became wealthy wuthering heights gained land through gambling stole Hindleys child got sent away Didn't get the fiddle he had asked for Won back Wuthering lost pretty much everything heights got swindled by Heathcliff was able to get revenge for how Hindley treated him throughout his life

(Source: Reddit)


Thomas Pack @PackClapsBack No one: Modern adaptions of Othello: BLACK

(Source: Reddit)

What's Wrong?

SparkNotes @SparkNotes Babe are you ok? You've barely plotted against anyone who could stand between us and the Scottish throne today. Why are you washing your hands

(Source: Reddit)

The Teacher Put This on a Romeo and Juliet Review

parallelism dramatic foil anaphora setting thesis r-crossed lovers theme anet ny d "Romeo and Juliet" rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) ROMEO DRINKING POISON WAITING FOR LIKE FIVE MINUTES NOTICING THAT JULIET LOOKS VERY MUCH ALIVE CHECKING WITH FRIAR LAURENCE TO SEE IF JULIET'S ACTUALLY DEAD

(Source: Reddit)

New Scholastic Edition of The Metamorphosis


(Source: Reddit)

Just Leave Him Alone

Ahab You took everything from me. whale who just wants to be left alone I don't even know who you are.

(Source: Reddit)

The Green Dot

thepasta-nerada: vrathia: the sexual tension when u and ur crush are online on fb at the same time and u just stare at their lil green dot and suddenly you know what gatsby felt like

(Source: Reddit)

Didn't See That Coming

Protagonist: **dies at the end** Me(who already peeked at the last page): u/nocontext_username

(Source: Reddit)

Homer on Poets

to greet him as a friend. It's only right that poets win from every man alive esteem and honor; for the Muse holds dear the tribe of singers, and to them she's taught her rules of song-the way to weave a plot." Homer Homer

(Source: Reddit)

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