15 Humorous Literature Memes About Some Of The Most Classic Novels Of All Time

Whether you love or hate the classics, literature memes can add some meaning to books you otherwise might not appreciate. Admit it, you probably haven't read a book lately. Even if you like to read, it often feels like our lives are just too busy, but now, we can pretend we've been doing it all along with these memes. That way, people can continue making fun of us for reading while we reminisce on the nostalgia of these books we all know and love.
On the other hand, maybe you just like to joke about the books the teachers in high school made you read, which you definitely read none of and absolutely hated. We're not here to judge, and all of us can enjoy these memes one way or another, even if it's just to make those old classes worth half a second of amusement. For everyone suffering through AP English class or long free of the horrors of high school, these memes will bring back some very specific memories from what you've read (or pretended to read). Here are some of the best book-themed memes out there.