13 Memes Any Anime Fan Can Relate To

Anime is the Japanese cartoon style many of us can't get enough of. No matter what type of anime fan you are, some situations that seem like individual experiences have actually been shared by thousands of people, like staying up until the morning to watch "just one more episode," crying over your favorite character's death or leaving important things aside to catch up on the latest episode of your favorite series. Chances are, if you are an anime fan, these unique and "too relatable" moments will resonate a lot with you.
"Animemes" are memes made in the image of your favorite anime characters. So whether you haven't seen an episode in a while or you're in the middle of bingeing the latest anime of your choice, you'll love these 13 relatable anime memes that any anime enjoyer will understand. What's your favorite anime meme? Share them in the comment section. For more anime memes check our /r/Animemes entry.