
Return To These 14 'Monke' Memes

A Monkey offers you a helping hand to return to monke (famous meme format)
An alt-rock styled girl asks a Chad whether he likes Arctic Monkeys and Gorillaz, and he is thinking of the animals, not the bands.
A Monkey offers you a helping hand to return to monke (famous meme format)
An alt-rock styled girl asks a Chad whether he likes Arctic Monkeys and Gorillaz, and he is thinking of the animals, not the bands.

Published 3 years ago

Published 3 years ago

Monkeys are a lot like us. We may have less hair, speak more complicated languages, use more intricate tools, engage in more destructive wars, and wreak more havoc on our natural environment, but at the end of the day we are more like them than not. Monkeys have been holding up a mirror to human nature for as long as they’ve frolicked in the forests and we’ve screwed those same forests up. Understandably, monkeys have always been popular figures in memes: not only are they adorable, but they seem to offer a simpler way of life, calling us back to our roots.

You may wish to return to monke. Or maybe you still have a certain part of your body out for Harambe. What you need to understand, though, is that the monkey has always been inside of you. These 14 memes are here to remind you that all you need to do is let that monkey free.

What I Hope Happens Tomorrow Morning

Shared Interests Are Important In Any Relationship

Get Me A Prescription

Know Your Meme (Behind The Scenes)

The Classic

Woah… So Meta

The Sobering Truth

A Helping Hand

Drive Thru

Executive Treatment

He Raises A Valid Point

A Universal Feeling

The Theory

The Truth

Tags: monke, return to monke, planet of the apes, funny, monkey, monkey haircut, collections,

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