
15 News Headlines That Somehow Aren't Fake

A collection of real news headlines taken from around the world that should be articles from The Onion photos are of Dr. Fauci being named sexiest man alive and Stephen King apologizing in an NPR article for the world appearing as a plot from one of his books
A collection of real news headlines taken from around the world that should be articles from The Onion photos are of Dr. Fauci being named sexiest man alive and Stephen King apologizing in an NPR article for the world appearing as a plot from one of his books

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

As the world remains completely chaotic at the moment, we're happy to report that the news is still churning out some interesting headlines that are strangely not parodies devised by The Onion. And while many of these will still have you laughing, some remain pretty concerning, too. Here are 15 of the zaniest stories collected from the subreddit /r/NotTheOnion.

The Photo Alone Is Perfect

(Source: Reddit)

We Accept Your Apology

(Source: Reddit)

You Don't Say

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Your Service, Iceland

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Scorsese Can't Wait To Make This Film

(Source: Reddit)

At Least He Admitted It?

(Source: Reddit)

Basic Economy

(Source: Reddit)

It Turns Out Kim Kardashian Didn't Actually Break The Internet

(Source: Reddit)

Even ISIS Is Taking Precautions

(Source: Reddit)

Moats Are Making A Comeback

(Source: Reddit)

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished?

(Source: Reddit)

What A Plot Twist

(Source: Reddit)

Wait Until They Find Out About Drive-Thru Fast Food Restaurants

(Source: Reddit)

I Would Love A Robot To Sub In For Me At The Grocery Store

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/nottheonion, cnn, reuters, newsweek, vice, business insider, dr. fauci, stephen king, tshirts, iceland, walmart, tops, mafia, italy, georgia governor, american airlines, isis, tasmania, australia, cyclist, helicopters, pink floyd, amish, collections,