a collection of creepy PM's images are of a guy texting a girl Brittany asking to be his new girlfriend a professor asking his student out via email

15 Of The Worst Messages Ever Sent

Technology seems wonderful until you find yourself with a push notification that you have a new private message, and it's from a complete stranger who does not understand boundaries. It happens so often to all of us, though many of us just ignore them. Some respond, leading to uncomfortable interactions like these. Sometimes, the messages are sent by people we know, making them all the more terrifying, since we have to interact with these people in the real world.

It's scary what people decide to say to you when they're hidden behind the veil of an app or a website. Apparently, most people have no sense of what's creepy at all, and that gives us some very awkward interactions we can't imagine receiving (or sending, of course. What were they thinking?). The following messages were collected from the subreddit /r/CreepyPMs where users can submit any unsolicited message they've received from all different types of apps. Here are 15 text conversations full of cringe.

Thanks For Stopping By?

Mobile I have tried, and I just really am not ready for this relationship. I can't not associate you with work. I don't think we can hang out alone as friends, either, because you always end up pushing, and I am not usually comfortable or confident enough to say no. I don't want to hurt you, butI also don't want to string you along, either. I'm sorry if this upsets you. I've tried to say this exact thing plenty of times, but it just never got through clearly. I just wanted to get this out while I do have a little courage. Would you hate me if I stopped by anyway TOP That gives me anxiety; please don't send me pics of near my house. Sent

(Source: Reddit)


Today 3:16 AM hello Lanfear_Is_Me 3:17 AM Hi 3:18 AM how are ya Lanfear_Is_Me 3:19 AM Get straight to the point 3:20 AM wanna licku Lanfear_Is_Me 3:21 AM You can lick my blocklist 3:21 AM no i hate it

(Source: Reddit)

Always A Great Start When You Write "I'm Not A Perv"

2:17 AM You're so beautiful. Wish you were my age.... I was depressed & lonely when I saw ur pic and without thinking, clicked Add Friend. I'm not a perv and I don't go for younger women but it feels different with you.... as if you're an exception. If you're married or has a bf, he's very lucky. (NOPE +1

(Source: Reddit)

Just A Professor Writing To A Student

ul T-Mobile 4:48 PM O 37% O 5 Messages on the other hand A Date: Saturday, July 21, 2012 at 9:41 AM To: < Subject: on the other hand m> I wonder if you would be interested in something more intimate? I mean, lunch is still on offer, and would be quite pleasant, but, well, what if I got a hotel room and then we got a bottle of wine and spent an afternoon in conversation and exploration? You're probably very busy, much too busy for such things...In any case, I do hope this is not shocking to you, or disturbing; if so, please forget it, and let's just go back to making lunch plans. I have absolutely no expectations, and certainly there is no pressure; just a thought of a possibility of something potentially quite special and unique. Think about it, and let me know.

(Source: Reddit)

When You Use Ancestry.com As A Dating App

We're cousins 10:24 AM Hi, sorry I didn't see this at first, Instagram filtered it out! Did we have a DNA match? Haha yea we did Cool! Was it on ancestry or 23andme? I'm on a bunch of dna testing websites haha Ancestry Nice! I have a lot of distant cousins on there. What's your name? I don't see it on your ig haha Yea same I had so many too. You were the only one I thought looked good haha And My names lol Accept my request 5:59 PM I hate to say but you are too hot for your boyfriend

(Source: Reddit)

"No Worries"

13:18 l LTE A here. I trust you and ur husband are safe and Covid free. I'm updating my contacts and since you are a friend I want to include you. May I get ur email and home address. I promise not to spam you and mail you a bunch or real estate stuff. Be blessed, C Today 13:16 lol we're fine, both healthy. And I'm good on the home address and e- mail, I generally don't give those out. I hope you're well, take care! Read 13:16 But it's me I'm kind reliable and won't abuse you. We are having a contest to see who can get their contacts in order. No worries. iMessage Pay

(Source: Reddit)

So Romantic

36 mutual friends includin and VIEW PROFILE 1:24 AM I want you to die in my living room and I want to take photos of youe death If you ever plan on dying, please let me know. Okay? You would make a corgeous corpse! *Gorgeous If you reply M-vill be able to call you and see information Active Status and when you've read messages. I don't want to hear from Aa

(Source: Reddit)

How Much?

October 5, 2017 at 11:42 PM Help me sell my soul im down with anything no questions asked

(Source: Reddit)

Ta Da

12.33 PM Can I give you a phone call? 2.17 PM No, I don't know you and I am at work Boom tada Now I'm labeled as a weird that was quick 4.34 PM Ta da You just labelled yourself weird! Message..

(Source: Reddit)


Call me Do you have girlfriend Looking new girlfriend Call me Please Brittany Looking new girlfriend Please Call me One Call me Call me Do you have girlfriend Brittany Looking new girlfriend Text Message Pay

(Source: Reddit)

"I Am Normal Now"

10:26 1 Facebook User Facebook User VIEW PROFILE DEC 07, 2013, 9:25 PM are you down to talk remeber me DEC 30, 2013, 9:14 PM do you and amanda want to start a coven with me DEC 30, 2013, 9:48 PM i am eric we talked before i promise i am normal now i had a evil spirit in me before FEB 14, 2014, 10:46 PM hye baby This person is unavailable on Messenger. More options

(Source: Reddit)


000 Omg, w--? heart massage There is no such thing as a heart massage. I'm dead in the picture!

(Source: Reddit)


You and ren't connected on Facebook Went to Lives i THU AT 1:09 AM i hope im not just seein stuff an thats really you in the profile picture . hmu soon when you get out the hospital hello ms. Sent from web If you reply, information ike your Active Status and when will be able to call you and see you've read messages. I don't want to hear from

(Source: Reddit)


12:20 hi 41m can i make you try something weird? V AdditionalCounter182· 7m What is it? • 5m if your dad is home i want you to wait till you see him alone then ask him for a hug. if he asks why tell him you really want one and give him a tight and long hug. then tell me how it went after v AdditionalCounter182 · 4m I can't, I don't really see my dad much anymore lol, sorry • 3m its ok. how old are you and do you have a brother? v AdditionalCounter182• 1m Why? • Now i wanted you to try the hug with him instead :p Reply to the Message

(Source: Reddit)

Hmm…So Sad

Active now are you single Why? i feel something for you No, I'm not single. hmm so sad I'm interested in you Sorry. can we be friends I'm just in love with you Message..

(Source: Reddit)

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