
15 People Who Celebrated Just A Little Too Early

a collection of images submitted to the subreddit /r/PrematureCelebration photos are of a tattoo saying England will win the world cup and a Twitter exchange from someone admitting to scamming Door Dash
a collection of images submitted to the subreddit /r/PrematureCelebration photos are of a tattoo saying England will win the world cup and a Twitter exchange from someone admitting to scamming Door Dash

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

This collection of images serves as a warning to never assume it's safe to celebrate anything unless you know for sure you're successful. We might expect something could turn out the way we wanted, only to be sorely disappointed and left with a rather regrettable tattoo. Maybe next time, you should wait to celebrate until everything's been made official. You've got to see the evidence yourself, or you're going to be making a big mistake if you assume it's going to turn out one way, like a surprising amount of people did. Don't be like them. Be smarter than this, please. Maybe double-check your facts next time.

Otherwise, you'll wind up becoming one of the people below featured on the subreddit /r/PrematureCelebration who were incredibly eager to claim something to be true that wound up being false. Below are 15 of our favorite cringeworthy posts. There's no doubt in our minds that these people have learned their lesson.

Always Tweet After You Land

(Source: Reddit)

Whoever Bought This Ball

(Source: Reddit)

This Hurts

(Source: Reddit)

When You Pour All Of It Out For The Homies

(Source: Reddit)

Ground Control To Major Twitter

(Source: Reddit)

Have A Pleasant Day!

(Source: Reddit)

Whoever Bought This Ball

(Source: Reddit)

When You Want To Put It All Out Into The Universe

(Source: Reddit)

Spoke Too Soon

(Source: Reddit)

An Excellent Save

(Source: Reddit)

RIP To E-Machines

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe Don't Take Your Phone Out Next Time?

(Source: Reddit)

That Was Fast

(Source: Reddit)

I Mean, They Might Still Be Safe And Secure…Just A Little Delayed

(Source: Reddit)

They Should Try This Again

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/prematurecelebration, smoking weed, youtube, twitter, airport security, quitting job, cnbc, bbc, johnny walker, nasa, locked comments, door dash, hillary clinton, baseball, the world cup, tattoos, england, old computers, snapchat, collections,