15 Products That Really Shouldn't Exist
We live in a world where innovation is constantly improving things a little day by day. There are some pretty cool new inventions and products that come out fairly often. However, there's also some creations that shouldn't have been made at all, and yet they're now part of our reality for no good reason. In a way, it was inevitable that this would happen. Our society has become so focused on commercialism that we've commercialized some of the strangest possible things, and created some monstrosities.
Creativity is good, but sometimes people are a little too eager to use it for things that never should have existed, ever. From disgusting hybrid food products to anything capitalizing on the latest social media trends, there are a lot of things that we're disappointed to see readily available on the market, but we're really not all that surprised, either. Here are 15 of the things that we were better off without.