Two surreal memes in the following collection.

15 Surreal Memes From Beyond The Void

These surreal memes will transport you to a disturbing reality. One where nothing makes sense, but we love it that way. Why allow our jokes to be restricted by trivial things such as logic or even humor? Instead, we can focus on the absence of everything, sharing content so surreal you'll question whether or not it even exists. Of course, it doesn't. Reality is a disturbing illusion; otherwise, how would I be making a living writing about memes? That's not something a real human being does. Nothing is real, not even this article. It's all an illusion you've created in your mind, and that's totally okay, because we all want to experience something beyond our own understanding once in a while. Embrace the void and celebrate the weirdness of these posts from /r/surrealmemes. There calling to you, so will you answer? Enjoy the following memes from a plane of existence beyond our own.

Sleeping Is Staying Informed

I get my news from the only reliable source, cryptic symbolism in my dreams

(Source: Reddit)

Looking to stay informed? Then look no further. Just hibernate 18-20 hours a day. It's that simple.

Choose Wisely

You are about to be born but first you must pick a guardian angel: Cody Barry Michael Pros: -Prevents hiccups -Tickles thiefs Pros: -Prevents sneezing -Keeps you hydrated for longer Cons: Cons: -Will flick your ear lobe if you tell a lie (even a small lie) -Will pinch your thigh if you use profanity Pros: -Prevents coughing -Keeps you energized for longer Cons: -Will step on your foot if you covet

(Source: Reddit)

Meat Chart

(Source: Reddit)

Ah yes, delicious meats.

The Karen Chakra

Have u tried speaking to the manager within? we nga

(Source: Reddit)

We're all the managers. Speak to yourself instead.

Reality Eraser

(Source: Reddit)

One of these would have helped me through my middle school homework load.


WARNING! Trees may free themselves from their holes. In case of sudden uprooting, please stay calm and report the incident to your local forest administration

(Source: Reddit)

Russia Facts

Everything you need to know about Russia • Russia is bigger than most small cars • The term 'Mother Russia' refers to a gigantic 70ft woman who protects Siberia • To walk from one side of Russia to the other takes too long • The best way to get to Russia is to travel • If you put Russia on top of the United States it would be horrendous for everyone • If you die in Russia you die in real life Dave

(Source: Reddit)

PSA from Nintendo

There's no such thing as a Nintendo. There's no Nintendo Entertainment System. There's no Nintendo® game software. And there's no Nintendo Power™ magazine. There's no such thing as a Nintendo. You see, "Nintendo" is a lie. So please never use it. We thank you. Mario thanks you. There's no Mario. You be careful. No Ⓒ666

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Forget About Him

This is Igor the owl. Technically it's not an owl, it's just a mental concept you're constructing while looking at this meme. When you stop thinking about him, Igor will cease to exist. Your attention is the only thing separating Igor from the cosmic void. "I'm scared," Igor says.

(Source: Reddit)

The moment you stop thinking about Igor, he ceases to exist. So, never stop thinking about him.

Good Drawer

"Wow! You're a great drawer!" Thank you

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


Totally not a virus. Trust a dolphin

(Source: Reddit)

Only Three

YOU MAY CONSUME 3 BEANS but no more they will know if you consume more

(Source: Reddit)

Don't displease them. Who knows what your punishment for eating four beans will be?

Robot Check

Select all images with unstable muon particles PEDA no I'm not a human VERIFY reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms

(Source: Reddit)

Never Forget


(Source: Reddit)

This image speaks volumes. I'm not sure what it says, but it's something, for sure.

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