15 Tracksuit Memes For Chilling Or Squatting

Tracksuits may technically be intended for heavy exercise, but their real purpose is heavy chilling. When you dress yourself up in soft, supple Adidas from head to toe, the vibe you feel is simply indescribable. The tracksuit is warm enough to insulate the Slavs as they squat on cold days in windswept semi-arctic corners of the former Soviet Union, and also comfortable enough for Robert Pattinson to lounge about your kitchen in.
Although the most classic color is navy blue, tracksuits come in a multitude of hues, and inspire a multitude of human and animal memes. Maybe it’s because when you wear one, you project a confidence and self-assurance that most mortals can only envy, or maybe it’s because the tracksuit dwells in the weird area between everyday clothing and special-purpose clothing. It’s impossible not to give off a very specific impression while wearing a tracksuit. It is an article of clothing that indicates peak performance and undeniable coolness.