The Falcon and the Winter Soldier follows the titular characters as they deal with the legacy of Captain America. So far, that's a lot more about going to therapy, looking for financial help and dancing than it is punching or flying, and as you might expect, that's led to a lot of memes that we've collected below. This Marvel show on Disney+ doesn't have the same mind-boggling story as WandaVision, but it's a lot closer to the superhero action people expect from the MCU.
The Falcon, Captain America's Friend
(Source: Reddit)
The Winter Soldier, His Recovering Enemy
(Source: Reddit)
Lonely Superheroes
(Source: Reddit)
Not Just Superheroes, Super Friends
(Source: Reddit)
Relying On Each Other …
(Source: Reddit)
… Because No One Else Is There
(Source: Reddit)
A Friendship For The Ages
(Source: Reddit)
Reckoning With The Past
(Source: Reddit)
Maybe They Should Go To Therapy
(Source: Reddit)
Examining The Deeper Implications
(Source: Reddit)
The Big Questions
(Source: Reddit)
Secret Identities
(Source: Reddit)
…But Not The One You're Thinking Of
(Source: Reddit)
Not Quite The Same
(Source: Reddit)
He Can't Quite Measure Up
(Source: Reddit)
Successfully Unsuccessful
(Source: Reddit)
Kinda Sus NGL
(Source: Reddit)
What Is He Hiding?
(Source: Reddit)
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