20 Images Nobody Is Grateful For This Year
The internet is full of some wild and wonderful things. Everyone has the ability to post just about whatever they want to without needing to be prompted or asked to do so. Forums and sites are essentially just landfills where people can post whatever they want at any given moment. This does mean there is a lot of weird stuff that can be found out in the wild. Most of it was not asked for, but thrust upon the world anyways, like some sort of bizarre gift that no one really ever wanted, but it is out there now.
Reddit's /r/TIHI, which stands for thanks, I hate it, is the dumping ground for all of this unwarranted, unasked for stuff, junk, surprises, what have you. The content can range from cursed images to fan art to ads, or just about anything that is mildly upsetting and disturbing. Here are 20 images that no one is possibly grateful for today.