
Experience Our Collective Frustration With These 20 Mildly Infuriating Images

Two Mildly Infuriating images from the following collection.
Two Mildly Infuriating images from the following collection.

Published March 30, 2021

Published March 30, 2021

Mildly infuriating images are a trend that really won't die out. And the longer they live on, dragging out horrible nonsense no one wants to see, the more mildly infuriating they become. Thus, they get better with age, and we never stop loving them. Always trending on Reddit, these pictures depict a slightly horrible experience we don't know how to put into words.

These pictures perfectly capture that awful feeling you get every Monday. Try to click away all you want, but we're all too impatient to ignore the frustrations these pictures bring forth. At least they help you feel a little better about your own day, since at least you're not one of these people. Life certainly can't be that bad if people are getting away with this sort of stuff unpunished, or if nature decides to strike someone else's car with lightning but spare yours. From horrible product design to scissors that just won't work, here are 20 of our "favorite" images from this week that'll leave you angry, if only a little.


(Source: Reddit)

This Infuriating Desk Drawer

A Single Missing Piece

(Source: Reddit)

Ruined the Coffee

(Source: Reddit)

Missed It

(Source: Reddit)

Houston Architecture

(Source: Reddit)

Eating Half

(Source: Reddit)

Toilet Paper Placement

(Source: Reddit)

Sour Cream on the Side

(Source: Reddit)

Only Getting 9 in a Bag

(Source: Reddit)

Farming Karma


(Source: Reddit)

More Scissors Required

(Source: Reddit)

1 Negative Opinion

(Source: Reddit)

Same Work. Pays Less

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How? Why?

(Source: Reddit)

A Clock

(Source: Reddit)

Five (3)

(Source: Reddit)

A Late Reminder

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: mildly infuriating, infuriating, annoying, cringe, funny, reddit, images, pics, collections, r/mildlyinfuriating,