20 Misspelled Wonders Of The World Made Into AI Art By Midjourney
Midjourney is an artificial intelligence system that can create elaborate works of art based on prompts from a user. The resulting images can be incredibly realistic, bold and cartoony or just plain weird. As AI art continues to take hold in the mainstream and spark debate, a lot of people have been experimenting with Midjourney to see what sorts of things it can come up with.
As it turns out, things can get pretty compelling in the world of AI art, even if it's just for the sake of amusement. Redditor /u/mossymain has taken on the great task of feeding Midjourney prompts based on some of the greatest wonders of the world, all slightly misspelled. The results of this experiment are incredibly interesting to see, and a little bit funny, too. Take a look at some of Midjourney's finest takes on the wonders of the world, with some slight alterations.