20 Memes For Fans Of 'The Office' Who Still Won't Watch Anything Else

We all love The Office. Aside from seven seasons of fun (we don't talk about the other two), it's given us a lot of memes to enjoy, and every day, hundreds more are created for us to enjoy being a part of one of the largest fandoms in existence.
The Office is one of those shows you can watch over and over again. Why? Who knows? Maybe it's just a way of punishing ourselves. But it's ultimately become the pastime of a whole generation, who are so reliant on watching The Office that we all mourned its loss when it was removed from Netflix. Supposedly, it's relaxing for your brain when you watch the same show over and over again, and The Office definitely proves this mental effect is real. It's also one of the best ways to waste a good amount of time, since there's so many episodes. Here are 20 of the best memes to enjoy while you watch it all over again.