
20 Ridiculous Karens Found On Social Media

Two images of Karens in the following collection.
Two images of Karens in the following collection.

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

Karens are consistently one of the worst daily annoyances we experience as a society. There's no reason they should still be out there making everyone else's lives worse, but even after the term "Karen" was introduced years ago and people started calling them out for their terrible behavior and selfishness, they haven't ceased to bring entitlement and mayhem into everyone's lives.

If you think staying home and avoiding all social interaction will keep you away from Karens, you're wrong. Karens have evolved to use social media as a means of voicing complaints, or simply sticking very rude letters in your mailbox because they saw you had a pride flag, which happened to one unfortunate victim below. If you thought you've had enough of Karens, get ready to be surprised by some brand new installments in the ever-growing saga of Karen content, because we've found some particularly horrible Karens for you to "enjoy" today.

This Tweet Is Trashy

Karen Gets Offended about the Mention of Slavery at a Plantation

Does she think plantations have a fun, cheerful history?

What Does That Have to Do With This?

Does Biden control vegetables?

Teenagers Live There

Typical Day on Twitter

Calling the Manager for Spicy Wings

Sounds Like We Found the Real Bad Neighbor

If she can't put up with it, she should move instead of terrorizing her neighbor. Everyone else will be happy about it.

Texts between a Nurse and the Patient's Wife

Karen Is Mad a Winery Doesn’t Like Kids Being Unattended

If you can't watch your kids, maybe don

Karen vs Son’s Girlfriend vs Dehydration

On a Video of Poor Children Getting Their First Pairs of Shoes

Respond by Getting an Even Bigger Pride Flag

Karen Threatens Violence over Black Teens Listening to Music


Karen vs 12-Year-Old at a Skate Park

Gas Station Encounter

It’s Just an Airline Safety Rule

“Weird Activity”

What's so unusual about this? Are people not supposed to wear beanies or backpacks anymore?

Grass Fed Chicken

When the Seat Next to You Is Served First

Tags: karen, karens, karen memes, karen meme, facebook, nextdoor, collections,