
20 Super Unsatisfying Meals By People Who Should Stay Out Of The Kitchen

two images from r/shittyfoodporn
two images from r/shittyfoodporn

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

Food plays a big role in our lives. From the quick meals we make at home to the gourmet restaurant dishes and everything else in between, we all have our own favorite foods, secret flavor combinations and things we enjoy in a meal. There's nothing much better than putting care and effort into your food and then sitting down and eating the perfect meal. Sometimes, though, things don't work out as planned.

There's a reason cooking is a taught skill. Some of us have it, some of us don't, and all of us mess up sometimes. From time to time one or all of our daily dishes turns out just plain terrible, resulting in a super unsatisfying plate. Whether it's from being too ambitious, rushing or not having everything in the recipe, food can go from a great vision to a terrible disaster very quickly. It's not just us either, even the professionals mess up sometimes. Here are 20 unsatisfying meals from some disappointed individuals.

Great Lunch

(Source: Reddit)

Suspicious Sausages

(Source: Reddit)

Cracker Nachos

(Source: Reddit)

Thawing Frozen Chicken

(Source: Reddit)

Bean Patty Buns

(Source: Reddit)

Cashews and Blueberries in Milk

(Source: Reddit)

Pizza with Imitation Crab and Olives

(Source: Reddit)

Jalapeno Hotdog Cake

(Source: Reddit)

Sad Pizza

(Source: Reddit)

Sink Potatoes

(Source: Reddit)

What a Steal

(Source: Reddit)

Grey Ramen

(Source: Reddit)

Cafeteria Food

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Peas and Carrot Donut

(Source: Reddit)

BBQ Chicken Pizza Gone Too Far

(Source: Reddit)

Spam Waffles

(Source: Reddit)

Chicken Coleslaw Tacos

(Source: Reddit)

Balanced Breakfast

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: food, stupid, kids, lunch, box, school, sausage, sus, nachos, meals, chicken, gross, beans, cashew, milk, pizza, olives, crab, crimes, cake, hot dogs, jalapeno, ramen, eggs, bbq, spam, waffles, tacos, collections,