Two surreal memes from the following collection.

21 Surreal Memes To Question Your Reality

Welcome to the trippy and sometimes disturbing world of /r/surrealmemes, a treasure trove of all the best memes that don't just push the boundaries of conventional humor, but reimagine them entirely. Every meme in this collection is hilarious just as it is mind-numbing. Some memes are practically nonsensical, while others just make you scratch your head and wonder if you're having a stroke or not.

Surreal memes are an interesting genre of meme, often utilizing abstract imagery and existential themes, many of these posts are made either intentionally or unintentionally to be incredibly bizarre, testing the limits of what internet comedy can be. Reddit is home to a variety of different subreddits, each harboring its own community of memeing experts, posting all sorts of memes and comedic content, but this collection is special. Not only because these posts make you feel like you're tripping, but because they push the limits of what memes can actually be.

He Was Wrong!

Bro actually thought he could reach 5:52AM [zyz^2+1 Reiz)

(Source: Reddit)

You Haven't Lived If You Don't Own A Sphere Collection

Imagine not owning a sphere colle lin 3 uneo pelic

(Source: Reddit)

Dad's No Fun!

Father can we dance with the starfish? n 0

(Source: Reddit)

The Child Has Been Stolen


(Source: Reddit)

Chef's Kiss!

Ong this meal is delicous! Plutonilum What dou you pit in you it? J@pocaitul79

(Source: Reddit)

Humanity Is Priceless

(Source: Reddit)

They're Too Loud!

(Source: Reddit)

I'll Take A Whole Case Please!

(Source: Reddit)

The Snowcat Has Been Created Successfully

(Source: Reddit)

All Bricks Must Fall

(Source: Reddit)

Cool And Good!

(Source: Reddit)

Thomas The Trippy Engine

(Source: Reddit)

Don't End Up Like This!

Yeah, graphic design But: WAS his passion... NOW? He's just a TypeError: null is not an object So basically, GOOD LUCK BUDDY!

(Source: Reddit)

Do Not Be Afraid!

ATTENTION: have you seen this bird?→→→→ Hopefully you have not, as this is a PASSENGER PIGEON and it is extinct. If you are in fact seeing this bird, you have fallen into some sort of rip in the fabric of time. REMAIN CALM.

(Source: Reddit)

Just Another Manic Monday!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Too Political!


(Source: Reddit)

Calculate This Nerds!

(Source: Reddit)

Thoughts And Prayers For Her

LORD HELP HER she ate the watermelon seeds 18

(Source: Reddit)

Open Your Eyes!

don't want to see... BUT I DO and sometimes... It's worth it

(Source: Reddit)

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