22 Images You Might Hate, But Can't Look Away From

Reddit's /r/TIHI isn't the place to go if you're having a good day. But if you're like the rest of us this Monday, you probably aren't. That's just how the early-week crisis tends to feel for all of us. But luckily, there's plenty of other things to hate out there, like these images we've gathered from the subreddit that are very visually wrong. From things that are funny to just plain disturbing, we love to hate these images, which Redditors have collected from some particularly odd regions all over the web.
We can't quite explain them, but we're happy to wonder about them. Some of them are honestly pretty creepy while also being entertaining, and they're well worth a look regardless of what kind of mood you're in. If you're looking for yet another thing to complain about this afternoon, here are some of the best of the worst pictures to make you say, "Thanks, I hate it."