23 Disturbing Images No One Would Have Asked For
There are a lot of very creative minds out there on the internet. It's a free place to post whatever anyone wants, whenever they want to. The internet is full of some really great things and also some really terrible things. Unfortunately, with the internet, it's kind of a gamble what someone is going to see in their social media feed at any given moment. The next scroll could be an adorably wholesome meme or a horribly cursed image that leaves viewers with an uneasy feeling.
The only real reaction that can be given to these terrible sights posted online is "Thanks, I hate it." We can appreciate the thought or skill that was put into these things, but express the utter distaste for it as well. There is a whole subreddit on Reddit made to share these kinds of photos called /r/TIHI, which stands for "Thanks, I hate it." Here are 23 of those distasteful images that will leave you feeling a little angry, uneasy or maybe yucky inside.