
23 Brand New Sentences And Breaking Headlines

Two images from r/brandnewsentence
Two images from r/brandnewsentence

Published January 05, 2024

Published January 05, 2024

Considering the number of people in the world talking and typing all day long, it is hard to imagine that there is anything original left to say. Surely by now everyone has thought of everything and there isn't anything original left. Sometimes though, the world surprises, and things pop-up that are hard to believe have ever been said before. These are brand-new sentences. The string of words to make these sentences and headlines have likely never been put together before, because they're just so unique, odd, new, strange.

Sometimes it's a random thought someone has, or a creative description, sometimes it's a news headline that is just so hard to believe. But with all of the people in the world doing things all day long, it maybe isn't that surprising. From Reddit's specially curated subreddit, /r/BrandNewSentence, here are 23 sentences, never heard before, hot off the presses for everyone to be a little confused by today.

First World Problems

(Source: Reddit)

A Lot Going on Here

(Source: Reddit)

True, Honestly

(Source: Reddit)

Skibidi Syndrome

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Not That Safe

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What a Rollercoaster

(Source: Reddit)

Hambone Knows

(Source: Reddit)

Uh, Sure

(Source: Reddit)

Source: The Vanican

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

When Men Lick, It is Suspicious

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It Does

(Source: Reddit)

Whales to Aliens

(Source: Reddit)

Hot Take

(Source: Reddit)

People Shelf

(Source: Reddit)

Leprosy in Minecraft

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tree-Dwelling Shrimp

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: brand new sentence, twitter, kids, tesla, x, glen powell, reddit, gen a, skibidi toilet, news, donald trump, rap, tiktok, headline, dr pepper, cars, will ferrell, vr, whales, animals, minecraft, gaming, science, disney, collections,