
23 Stock Photos With Absolutely No Uses

two cursed stock photos
two cursed stock photos

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

Stock photography is a pretty big industry. It's designed so that people who are in need of reusable photos for their articles are able to find them, and often purchase them for a small cost. Those photos can be helpful, mostly for those online courses your job makes you do every two years or so in order to avoid legal liability for harassment. They're available to everyone, though, and since they're targeting such a wide audience, sometimes some pretty weird topics come up in the world of stock photography.

The thing is, the following images don't seem to be targeting any consumer in particular. In fact, it's impossible to imagine just what kind of person is out there looking for something like this, so it's more likely someone at the stock photo company was having a little too much fun with their job. Here are 23 examples of stock photos that don't have any possible uses at all.

A Helping Hand

(Source: Reddit)

A Picture that Tells a Story

(Source: Reddit)

The Snake Cat Charmer

(Source: Reddit)

Dentist Experience

(Source: Reddit)

Grandma and Her Axe

(Source: Reddit)

He's So Edgy

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Handsome Man

(Source: Reddit)

Living Burger Agrees

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Mongolian Tradition

(Source: Reddit)

Barcode Scanner

(Source: Reddit)

Fancy Donut

(Source: Reddit)

Dino Nuggets

(Source: Reddit)

British Boredom

(Source: Reddit)

The Matrix Remake

(Source: Reddit)

Why's He So Angry?

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Very Uncomfortable

(Source: Reddit)

Broccoli on Steroids

(Source: Reddit)

Pleasure Doing Business With You

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: stock photos, awkward stock photos, unusable stock photos, weird, stock photo memes, collections,