
22 Hilarious Memes You Shouldn't Show To An Art Teacher

Two classical art memes in the following collection.
Two classical art memes in the following collection.

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

Welcome to the world of classical art memes, where works of art from long ago are brutally ripped apart and repurposed as memes. If you're into art history or classical art, then this is not the place for you. In fact, this might leave you feeling rather offended and disturbed by the sorts of things people come up with as captions for these famous or even lesser-known works of art.

This might not be the place to go to appreciate works of art for their actual merit, but it's certainly the place to appreciate the senses of humor hundreds of Redditors have developed over on the subreddit /r/trippinthroughtime. These images can be viewed as works of art in their own right, or at least as an attempt to modernize a painting that otherwise would have been forgotten by most people long ago. Here are 22 classical art memes that might offend the art fan in your life.

Not Again

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Therapy Session

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Carefully, He's a Hero

(Source: Reddit)

Tech Guy

(Source: Reddit)

Student Loans Too

(Source: Reddit)

Just Enjoying the Greenery

(Source: Reddit)

The Last Straw

(Source: Reddit)

Classical Spam

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Believe They're Getting Rid of Awards

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It's About Time

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Nightmare

(Source: Reddit)

Trying Times

(Source: Reddit)

The Book

(Source: Reddit)

Inner Child

(Source: Reddit)

Know Your Tolerance

(Source: Reddit)

Mushroom Soup

(Source: Reddit)

Byte Me

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: art memes, art, classical art, classical art memes, history memes, history, collections,