24 Relatable Memes To Bring Us All Together

There are so many memes out there for everyone to experience. There is a meme for just about every situation, specific or broad. One of the best kinds of memes, though, are the relatable ones. Relatable memes are the kinds of memes that portray a very specific moment or mood that although it may be niche, is somehow super relatable. They are fun because they are easily sharable and make you feel less alone in the world. Like all of the odd feelings and situations you have been in maybe aren't so odd after all.
These relatable memes come in many forms, tweets, classic templates, images, and can be identified sometimes by the phrase "me IRL." "Me IRL" stands for "me, in real life" and has gained a subreddit on Reddit. This subreddit, /r/meirl, shares all of the most relatable memes for everyone to see and agree with on any given day. A scroll through there may have you feeling pretty… called out. Here are 24 relatable memes for every mood.