Two images from /r/meirl

25 Relatable Memes To Satisfy The Soul

Memes come in many shapes and sizes. There is a meme for everyone and everything, and there is a meme for every interest and hobby, game and show, every situation and feeling. Relatable memes are the kinds of memes, that, well, someone can relate to. These memes can explain some pretty specific moments and emotions from life that may not seem relatable, but we actually come to find out they very much are.

That's why relatable memes are so popular. They bring people together and make folks on the internet realize that maybe they aren't all that different from everyone else. Reddit's full of memes in general. One specific subreddit though, /r/MeIRL is full of the most relatable memes out there. The title stands for "me, in real life," which is just a tagline to mark these relatable memes. Here are just a few of this week's most relatable memes to nourish and heal the soul.


For those that work remote: what are the pros and cons? Pros: sleeping in, showering on my own time, no traffic, peace and quiet, running errands in spare time, taking my life back, not being overly tied to my work Cons: people making up articles about wanting to return to office

(Source: Reddit)

I Want One

I think my girlfriends professor makes super suits on the side.

(Source: Reddit)

That Would Be a Terrible Way to Go Out

Guy Matthews @trotsrabbledogs My worst nightmare is Spotify randomly throwing out an Ed Sheeran song whilst I'm driving and then I crash and die but it keeps playing so the first responders think I was an Ed Sheeran fan and they tell my mum and I end up being cremated to fi Shape of You.

(Source: Reddit)

It's Just Too Much

Introverts visiting more than two places in a day I'm going on an adventure!

(Source: Reddit)

I'd Love to Explain…

I'd love to go back in time and blow people's minds with my incredible knowledge But how do you make this 'Electricity'? I don't know

(Source: Reddit)

Hate This Place

Cptn Green Head The Man With Th... @CptnMan Not a single person asked me how fast I could run in my new shoes today, being an adult is f stupid

(Source: Reddit)

What Can I Say?

None of my ex's are in happy relationships or married so I definitely wasn't the problem E

(Source: Reddit)

Honestly, Sometimes Yeah

Controversial opinion: the night before a day off is better than the actual day itself.

(Source: Reddit)

Measure That With Your Heart

mia @miaharaguchi garlic is to cooking as vanilla extract is to baking in that the amount i add to my food is guided by reckless extravagance and utter disregard, verging on mild contempt, for the recipe as written 4:31 PM - 4/12/21. Twitter Web App

(Source: Reddit)

Peak Sound Quality

Only real ones remember these... Tovonina on tired, leave me alone @jamisonsayss One was always not working

(Source: Reddit)

Decisions… Decisions

11 14 8 16 7 2 19 3 17 13 36 15 10 me picking my college major I am a burden <3 Yearning @Batuiequeen. me picking a music queue my shower for

(Source: Reddit)

Too Short? Unsatisfied. Too Long? Cranky.

I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap without setting an alarm. Will it be 20 minutes or 4 hours? It's risky and I love it

(Source: Reddit)


Google is better than Reddit to search for something on Reddit L

(Source: Reddit)

Frosted Flakes Every. Day.

wyd in this situation? HUNCHO @huncho buying the cereal MEME ZAR

(Source: Reddit)

Some People Got It Good

@bohnes my girl had a hard week so i kidnapped her and flew her to disney world. FEND Omar @ArabsTing when I have a hard week I just get another hard week

(Source: Reddit)

Marked Safe

Kuzcolia Valentine @roselia_val So glad I was weird af in high school cuz now ain't no one hittin me up to join their pyramid scheme

(Source: Reddit)

It's Actually Fine

Many people play videogames in easy mode. And that's ok because games are supposed to be fun and relaxing, not stressfull.

(Source: Reddit)

Keep That to Yourself

Orlando James @iamorlandojames wanna know a real adult life hack? Don't tell anyone when you have a day off. Absolutely NO ONE

(Source: Reddit)

It Just Isn't True

Umaima Baig @chalokkk What is the dumbest thing you believed as a child? Duffle Doov @Just_Doov Once I'm 18 my mom won't be able to tell me what I can and can't do anymore

(Source: Reddit)

Life-Saving Hack Right There

I leave my shoes far apart so if a burglar comes in they think I'm big asf

(Source: Reddit)

They're Good, But Like a Little Disappointing

Quentin @_idowuo I don't know if it's just me but strawberries look like they should taste a lot better than how they actually do

(Source: Reddit)

It's Gourmet Cuisine

pat. @patsatweetin me: i'll have the sloppy joe wife: this is a fancy restaurant, idiot me: apologies, I'll have the uncouth joseph waiter: excellent choice, sir

(Source: Reddit)

Ah, Sundays

kyle @itsdjluigi It's not a Sunday unless you completely waste it then feel really sad around 8pm.

(Source: Reddit)

This Old

"how old are you" me: Windows Media Player 00:12 Now Playing Library Rip Burn Dync 98 ་་ ད་ 144 377 The Hts Charvel Rado- 1009 927 the Htz Channel 1040 1074 X

(Source: Reddit)

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