
25 Simple Jobs That Weren't Well Done

Two images from /r/onejob
Two images from /r/onejob

Published 9 months ago

Published 9 months ago

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Making mistakes is a part of being alive. Depending on what someone does for work, the mistakes they make can be pretty minor, or they can be pretty apparent. Though it is normal to mess up sometimes, that doesn't mean that certain mistakes aren't incredibly funny. Sometimes it is so clear that someone had a bad day at work, the aftermath is left behind for everyone to see and shake their heads at.

Especially when it is a seemingly super simple task, it can be a little odd to think someone could have messed it up so bad. Nevertheless, seeing these silly mistakes is still funny. Reddit's /r/OneJob is the subreddit that showcases all these people who had one job that they still managed to mess up somehow. Everyone has been there at some point, so here are 25 of the more memorable times people screwed up their tasks, clearly having a rough day.

Be Frie Only

(Source: Reddit)

He's Blind

(Source: Reddit)

This Crossword

(Source: Reddit)

Commas Are Important

(Source: Reddit)

It Just Isn't Right

(Source: Reddit)

The Math Isn't Adding Up

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Uh Oh

(Source: Reddit)

It's One Container

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

No Candy Here

(Source: Reddit)

Which Was Installed First?

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Infuriating

(Source: Reddit)

Do Better

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Belly-Up Lion

(Source: Reddit)

SO Close

(Source: Reddit)

Makes No Sense

(Source: Reddit)

Not Even Close

(Source: Reddit)

Fork and Fork

(Source: Reddit)

"Plastic Free"

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Which Way?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: one job, you had one job, /r/onejob, fails, animals, youtube, typo, oops, food, math, halo, video games, gaming, playstation, spongebob, ipad, minecraft, tmnt, /r/mildlyinfuriating, hmmm, /r/hmmm, toys, funny signs, xbox, collections,