Beat The Heat With These 15 Water-Themed Memes From Your 'Hydro Homies'
It's finally sort of summer, and it's getting pretty hot out there. Now that we're dealing with heat wave after heat wave and too many children crowding the public pools, we're looking for a more efficient way to cool down. And we're going with the oldest solution of all: drinking water. Yes, you're about to read a healthy and refreshing article about water, because there's an entire community of people who are so devoted to drinking water that any other beverage in existence seriously offends them. They just really, really want you to stay hydrated and healthy.
Yes, it's that time again. It's time for the Hydro Homies to return. Today, they're back to spread the good word. We all need to stay hydrated, and drinking water is way more fun when you've got a weird, overly-enthusiastic cheerleading squad egging you on. While you fight the summer heat, take a moment to grab a glass of ice water and enjoy these 15 memes about our favorite beverage.
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