
Find Some Advice In These 15 Memes From Ancient Times

Two advice animals
Two advice animals

Published 5 years ago

Published 5 years ago

Now that we're nearing the end of the decade, it's important to honor the memes that came before us. Times have changed drastically, and the things we laugh at now are very different from what was popular ten years ago. That's not necessarily a bad thing, since we're all growing and changing as a meme community with a corrupted sense of humor, but it's important to give credit where credit is due by looking back on the memes that have shaped the future of all of our bad jokes, even though they've fallen out of style.

While advice animals remain older formats, the delightful people of the subreddit /r/AdviceAnimals are successfully reviving them. They do this through a mix of nostalgia and tackling current events, and it's become surprisingly effective in keeping advice animals relevant. Below are 15 of our favorites, because we could all use a look back on simpler times; hopefully we'll learn something from these.

Now I Want A Baby Mugatu

(Source: Reddit)

And Why Must It Always Be So Loud?

(Source: Reddit)

Anyone Know What Savings Are?

(Source: Reddit)

Scariest Place On Earth


(Source: Reddit)

With Someone Always Watching

(Source: Reddit)

I Will Yelp My Devotion To You

(Source: Reddit)

An Actual Miracle

(Source: Reddit)

It's Definitely Broken

(Source: Reddit)

Shoutout To Corporate America

(Source: Reddit)

The Lesson Here Is To Never Exercise

(Source: Reddit)

Make It A Law Already

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Real Gift

(Source: Reddit)

Just One Day Out Of The Year

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: advice animals, dentists, parks and recreation, brains, dreams, most interesting man in the world, gardening, mvp, napkins, nuggets, spell check, futurama, black friday, bad luck brian, hiking, time magazine, forrest gump, collections,