Two images of wholesome memes from the following collection.

Have Something To Smile About Today With These 25 Wholesome Memes

The genre of wholesome memes is definitely one of the best ones out there. While there are so many memes available these days, with no shortage in sight, the appearance of a genuinely wholesome meme is just heartwarming. There's something wonderful about getting a change in scenery from the generally dark-humoured and complex memes that exist out there. Wholesome memes are just simple little jokes, photos and stories that exist to uplift and make everyone smile, no matter who they are. There is nothing that can go wrong with a genuine wholesome meme, it is like getting a warm hug through the screen.

For all of the best and most wholesome of memes, Reddit's /r/wholesomememes has them all from the cutest of animals to the funniest of kids and most heartwarming of stories. There is something there for everyone to smile at today. Here are 25 truly wholesome memes for all of the good vibes today.

Full Circle

Among the Wildflowers @deaflibertarian I ded during childbirth. The reason I'm alive today is because a resident defied orders and continued the efforts to revive me...and I was brought back. Everyone else had given up. 28 years later he was present at my daughter's birth.

(Source: Reddit)

Feels Good

adult me having a bad day kind woman in the grocery store calling me honey

(Source: Reddit)

Had Him in The First Half

My freshman year roommate sat me down Day 1 and was like "Heads up: I'll be bringing lots of girls and maybe even some guys to the dorm this year so, if that scares you, grow up cuz this ain't high school!" Anyway, he brought one girl back the whole year and now they're married.

(Source: Reddit)


jaileene andrade @jaileene_a I'm really crying rn dude... I thought i was calling my mom :( but I had the wrong number and... ●●000 AT&T 11 1:38 PM O Text Message Today 1:35 PM This is the lady u thought was ur mom. I just wanted to let u know ur wrong number was a great Christmas gift for me I lost my only daughter around the holidays. So hearing u say HEY MOM made me feel so good. And u have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Even Worry

pres Sta e My girlfriend ordering my Starbucks drink Dorit Me, not knowing the name of the drink I liked last time

(Source: Reddit)

A Wholesome Misunderstanding

nonamebatman. 4h 35 Awards One time, about five years into our relationship, my girlfriend (now wife) and I were in separate rooms in our one bedroom apartment in early December. From the other room, she hollered to me "what do you want for Christmas?" I had been working full time, taking part-time university classes to finish my degree, and had been volunteering as part of a youth mentor program... so I said "All I really want is a break." Three weeks later, I'm unwrapping a very heavy shoebox. After getting through the mountain of duct tape and several layers of wrapping paper, I had my very own... brick. "I really didn't understand what you wanted it for," she said, "but you sounded so sure of it. So here you go!" Cue about ten minutes of laughs, and now that brick sits proudly on my desk. Every time I am overwhelmed or feeling like I've taken on too much, I look at it, pick it up, have a little laugh, and put it back so I can carry on. Best gift ever.

(Source: Reddit)


[gets pulled over] cop: do you know how fast you were growing? me: officer, I wa-wait did you say growing? cop: *removes mask to reveal grandma* you've gotten so big

(Source: Reddit)

Just in Case

Ana the Distracted Gardener @annastayshaa My 8yo in the car today: "Do you want me to throw the confetti in my pocket?" Me: "No not in the car! - why do you have confetti in your pocket?" www 8yo: "It's my emergency confetti, I carry it everywhere in case there is good news."

(Source: Reddit)

So Cute

Megan K. Stack @Megankstack At bedtime the 8 yo told me his teacher said: "Think of your mind like a pond full of fish and each fish is a feeling. Try to be the pond, not the fish." And all I can say is primary school has significantly improved.

(Source: Reddit)


jafaaar A man holding his baby up to paintings and talking to him at an art gallery :) 1dietcokeinacan 35,501 notes A D t]

(Source: Reddit)

A Wholesome Crime

I had to work overnight last night and while taking a nap today I was vandalized. I have a picture and have detained the two suspects, but one is not cooperating. The only one who can speak blames it on the four legged suspect who has no hands to pull off such a stunt. Thanks to my neighbor for pointing out that I have marker all over my face when I took the four legged suspect for a walk before I realized that I was vandalized.

(Source: Reddit)

It's so Good Though

"Money can't buy happiness." 7 year old me with $10 going to the ice cream truck

(Source: Reddit)


CHETAMA my boyfriend being happy that someone gave him award on his reddit post me who anonymously gave him the reward

(Source: Reddit)


@jeremyeiaerr d I walked all the way to the bridge near my house to ponder and there's already two dudes here pondering as well

(Source: Reddit)

Happy Retirement

dan barker @danbarker Took a taxi tonight, and the driver absolutely insisted on giving me the journey for free, as it was his last ever job before retirement, and tradition is they don't charge for their first ever and last ever journey. He began driving in 1965. Thank you, Mike. Best wishes! ALT

(Source: Reddit)

Big Thanks

Me: *getting bad grades because of depression, about to be held back in 8th grade* My Social Studies teacher who changed my F to a B so I could graduate with my class: www

(Source: Reddit)

So Strong

Grandma: Look who became a man, show me your muscles. Me:

(Source: Reddit)

Cat in Love

CleverUsername006 We found our cat's old toy under the fridge

(Source: Reddit)

So Real

Buffins, winner of the title of "cat with the most appealing expression" in 1958

(Source: Reddit)

So Grateful

When you only have 1 item in line at the grocery store and the person in front of you lets you go ahead of them That was very cash money of you

(Source: Reddit)


Anthony @AnthonyMuffins I love this so much

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome Idea

Babysitting a 4 year old has me convinced that what video games need is "little buddy mode," where a kid can have a character that just jogs along with you and can help/get their own encouraging score but cannot be harmed VEROCITEA

(Source: Reddit)

So Sweet

Erica Berry @ericajberry Last night I told my elderly neighbor, who has lived here for 40yrs, that I was having a yard hang and he should call if music was too loud. He waved me off; it suddenly occurred to me I should invite him. By 8pm he was eating an ice cream bar chatting w/ my friends by fire pit.

(Source: Reddit)


Nobody: Truck drivers in their trucks:

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome Moment

The only thing I like about working at the movie theater is seeing this dad bring hid daughter to disney movies

(Source: Reddit)

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