25 Food Abominations That Must Be Seen To Be Believed
These are some dishes and food creations that never should have been thought about in the first place, let alone wound up on someone's plate.
15 People Who Probably Should've Kept Their Private Thoughts To Themselves
These people just don't know when to keep their comments to themselves. Not everyone has to know everything, plus, who even asked?
25 People Who Think They Are Very Smart, But Reality Says Otherwise
Because everyone here is a quantum scientist, at least in their own personal opinion, prepare to feel totally inferior.
15 'Shower Thoughts' To Wrinkle Your Brain
These are the kinds of things you only really think about when you're in the shower, for some reason.
23 Anti-Memes Full Of Backwards Messaging
Ever wonder what memes would look like when stripped down to their barest essentials? Here's the results.
25 Examples Of Truly Insufferable Human Behavior
25 times people actively stopped the advancement of society with their own self-centered behavior, often in strange and truly unexplainable ways.
25 Specific Phrases That Are Rather Concerning
Comments so specific that they are a little concerning. What triggered these thoughts?
24 Insanely Unhinged Posts From Older Folks Online
Who gave them internet access and didn't explain how to use it? These are things that should not be shared publicly.
24 Times People Technically Told The Truth
No one here is wrong, but it just maybe isn't what we were expecting.
25 Random Images For Today's Unpredictable Scrolling Experience
Keeping things interesting with an assortment of funny images and memes from all over social media this week.
25 Memes That Are Morally And Ethically Good
These memes are suitable for work.
25 Assorted Memes From Social Media Today
An assortment of images meant to make you laugh, smile or feel insanely weird.