Ruin Your Appetite With 13 Culinary Disasters
These things absolutely should not exist. They shouldn't have been something anyone had thought of in the first place, and we're ashamed to share a society with someone who would so willingly violate our favorite foods. Food is special to most of us. We don't want to see it horribly violated by experimental recipes that were so obviously a bad idea. We may not be Gordon Ramsay and we're not perfectly capable of destroying a chef's self-esteem with a single roast, but in these cases, the food just roasts itself, despite being undercooked.
From the dumbest possible ways to cook food to just the worst ideas of combining food you can ever imagine, we'd say these people went too far. Prepare to lose your appetite with these 13 pictures from the worst food nightmares out there. Just be sure you're not on your lunch break before looking, because you'll certainly not want to eat anything else after this.