surprised pikachu memes

Take A Look Back On 12 Of The Best 'Surprised Pikachu' Memes

We all have those moments where something we know will come to pass happens, and yet we're still surprised. For these moments, we have Surprised Pikachu. Bend a pencil for no reason and it breaks? Surprised Pikachu. Ask for 7 upvotes and get 0 upvotes? Surprised Pikachu. Here are some of our favorite examples of the latest Pokémon meme.

Listen to Baelish, Ned

Petyr Baelish: You shouldn't trust me Ned: *trusts him* Petyr betrays Ned next episode* Ned:

(Source: Reddit)

Wow No Way

Mle "spends &hours per day on interner Eyesight "gets worse

(Source: Reddit)

You Caught Me Monolging

Anime villian: *Shares all the details of his evil plan with the protagonist in an epic monologue. Protagonist: *Uses that information and defeats the villian* Anime villian:

(Source: Reddit)

Every Pokémon Player Has Had This Experience

me: l'll save later gameboy: "battery dies, loses 4 hours of progress*

(Source: Twitter)

Can't Believe I Can't Do That

Me: I wonder what would happen if I balance this plate like a waiter Plate: *Falls and breaks* Me:

(Source: Reddit)

Not a Super Genius

Me: Hmm what happens if I decide to procrastinate and only study a bit before the test? *Flat out fails the test Me:

(Source: Reddit)

The Plight of Great Pre-sleep Thinkers

me: I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it also me: *forgets it*

(Source: Reddit)

Should've Seen This Coming With All Those Eyes

*Visits Chernobyl* Me:

(Source: Reddit)

The Griffin McElroy Dilemma

Me: Installs 500 Skyrim mods Skyrim: Crashes immediately Me:

(Source: Reddit)

What a Cutie

Winter: *exists* 10 years old me: *pretends I'm a dragon*

(Source: Reddit)


Reddit You can't make memes in Notepad *makes meme in notepad* Reddit: ((&8%, , ,7%7%/7%/6/%) , ,> > r(a

(Source: Reddit)

Now In HD!

(Source: Reddit)

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