
Reddit's 21 Top-Voted Memes That Earned A Sensible Chuckle

Two memes from Reddit's /r/memes in the following collection.
Two memes from Reddit's /r/memes in the following collection.

Published 3 years ago

Published 3 years ago

It's probably no surprise that Reddit is home to one of the most popular and largest meme communities in existence, "/r/memes." In fact, many of the memes you see circulating online can trace their origins back to this very subreddit. It's clear that not everything on /r/memes is a gem, but that's why we have some heroes sorting by new who've upvoted the best of the best memes to ensure we all experience the fun and humor they contain.

Often, the month's top-voted memes involve current trends or simply a relatable joke, but no matter what they're made of, they're full of infinite entertainment. Since the millions of members of the sub have chosen only the absolute best, and we've picked only the absolute best of that handful to share with all of you today with this collection, here are some of the new memes from this month that the most Redditors voted as their favorites.

When You're Microwaving Your 3am Snack

(Source: Reddit)

Just Why?

(Source: Reddit)

The English Language Is Spooky

(Source: Reddit)

Happy for Him

(Source: Reddit)

She's Old but Gold

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Blub Blub

(Source: Reddit)

Being Cautious

(Source: Reddit)

Online Arguments

(Source: Reddit)

Who Was He?

(Source: Reddit)

Where Is It?

(Source: Reddit)

Guess I'm Adopting

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Schrodinger's Cat

(Source: Reddit)

Very Wholesome

(Source: Reddit)

A Handsome Boy

(Source: Reddit)

New Theory

(Source: Reddit)

Someone Please Explain

(Source: Reddit)

The Ultimate Loophole

(Source: Reddit)

The Good Old Days

(Source: Reddit)

Imagine Not Having a Word for It

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: memes, /r/memes, reddit memes, r/memes, best memes, trending, popular, reddit, redditor, collections, humor, funny, entertainment, jokes,