Turn Back Time With These 16 Historical Photos

Despite the many history classes we have all attended throughout our lifetime, it's amazing how much you can still learn about the past through the subreddit /r/HistoryPorn. Below are 16 incredible photographs of humans experiencing life during the good and bad times. One thing is for sure, this list proves that you don't need thirty-seven camera lenses on the new iPhone to capture something pretty poignant.
Babies who lost their parents during the Vietnam War being flown to the United States to be adopted. Truly the only time no one has complained about a baby crying on an airplane.
(Source: Reddit)
That time a B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building and nobody (me) knew about it until today.
(Source: Reddit)
The head of the Statue of Liberty at the 1878 Paris World Fair before the Cloverfield monster got to it.
(Source: Reddit)
A Milan Cathedral, surrounded by fog in 1960. Also one of the best horror film openings of all time?
(Source: Reddit)
French soldiers chatting around a fire realizing they have just booked a terrible Airbnb in Saint-Mihiel, France circa 1916.
(Source: Reddit)
Senator Robert Kennedy just before he was assassinated, taking in the room after he won the California primary.
(Source: Reddit)
Judy Sullivan, the first woman engineer in Spacecraft Operations at NASA, who monitored Apollo 11 mission 1969 and made millions envious of her hair.
(Source: Reddit)
The first human chess game played in Russia, 1924. It remains unclear how they got those horses to stand still.
(Source: Reddit)
Swiss Guards at the gates of the Vatican waiting for their Uber Eats to arrive in 1885.
(Source: Reddit)
The staff of the Italian ship Stella Polare during the 1900 attempt to reach the North Pole. I wish I knew more about their dogs.
(Source: Reddit)
The waiting room at a Greyhound bus station in Los Angeles. The year may have been 1969, but I'm pretty sure Grey's Anatomy was still on the air.
(Source: Reddit)
Just a fun chemical warfare drill in the USSR, 1928 that hopefully provided enough steps for everyone's Fitbit.
(Source: Reddit)
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