General Radahn Got Buffed And So Did His Memes

After the infamous patch 1.03 hit Elden Ring, and nerfed one of the hardest and most fun bosses into the ground, From Software have taken the proper action and reversed some of the nerfs, buffing General Radahn back to some semblance of his former glory. Though he was definitely overtuned to a degree, the nerfs that they handed him were far too heavy handed, as both his cone of attack and damage were reduced to where it became childishly easy to take him out. With these new buffs, it's expected that while his cone could still be reduced, which would make him kill the NPCs less fast, the damage itself might return to normal, meaning he can still kill you just as fast. Due to the patch notes only mentioning buffing him, people have begun to talk and discuss and pay special attention to him in a way unseen since the first week of game launch.
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