
If You Don't Have A Giant Robot, Then Climb Inside These 15 'Evangelion' Memes

2 Neon Genesis Evangelion memes from the collection
2 Neon Genesis Evangelion memes from the collection

Published August 23, 2021

Published August 23, 2021

After more than a decade of waiting, Neon Genesis Evangelion's great experiment has come to an end. The Rebuild of Evangelion, a series of films retelling the story of the legendary anime, drew to a close with the release of Evangelion 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon A Time earlier this month. The number in the title gives you a sense of how strange this series is, and the huge number of memes that have been around the internet for decades should give you a sense of how different the series is from your average giant robot anime. Let's celebrate the latest definitive end of the story with some memes made to mark the occasion.

The End Is Finally Here

(Source: Reddit)

It's Not The First Time

(Source: Reddit)

One Ending Out Of Many

(Source: Reddit)

Nothing Ever Really Ends

(Source: Reddit)

It Just Comes Around Again

(Source: Reddit)

Can You Move On?

(Source: Reddit)

You'll Have To Decide For Yourself

(Source: Reddit)

The Last Choice You'll Make

(Source: Reddit)

You Had The Chance

(Source: Reddit)

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

(Source: Reddit)

The Choice Isn't Always Yours

(Source: Reddit)

Nothing To Do But Stare

(Source: Reddit)

Take What You're Given

(Source: Reddit)

A Wonder Of The World

(Source: Reddit)

What Has The World Come To?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: neon genesis evangelion, 3.0+1.0, thrice upon a time, hideaki anno, giant robots, eva, end of evangelion, shinji ikari, eva memes, evangelion, memes, anime, anime memes, collections,

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