Mel Brooks And His Son Have Released The Best Coronavirus PSA

As the world feels a surge of anxiety while facing the global pandemic that is the Coronavirus, many are left trying to find solace in practically anything. Luckily, we all received a few minutes of comedic relief after Mel Brooks, and his son Max Brooks released a video calling for people to practice social distancing and to stay home to protect the elderly like his 93-year-old father.
With Mel looking on behind a glass door, Max continues to say that if he were to infect his father, he could also infect other comedic legends like Carl Reiner and Dick Van Dyke. After Max gives his speech, his father yells at him to "Go Home!" This obviously brought a lot of love and admiration from fans of of Mel Brooks on Twitter, to people who just genuinely needed a good laugh after a very chaotic couple of weeks.
A message from me and my dad, @Melbrooks. #coronavirus #DontBeASpreader
— Max Brooks (@maxbrooksauthor) March 16, 2020
— Mel Brooks (@MelBrooks) March 16, 2020
Today was the day many found out that author Max Brooks was in fact Mel Brooks' son.
Well. Today I learned that Max Brooks is Mel Brooks' son.
— Chris Mattox (@ChrisMattoxDC) March 16, 2020
A collective call to "ride at dawn" was placed, should Mel Brooks ever fall sick to the virus.
If Coronavirus comes for Mel Brooks, we ride at dawn.
— Siraj Hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) March 16, 2020
The comedic genius remains on a list of people that need to be protected.
Mel Brooks must be protected at all costs
— Rosie Gray (@RosieGray) March 16, 2020
Mostly people just wanted to share how much they loved Mel Brooks after seeing the video.
I love Mel Brooks
— Damon Wayans Yunior? (@wayansjr) March 16, 2020
National treasure.
— Chris Chang (@CChang1124) March 16, 2020
While many loved how amusing the video was, they couldn't help but appreciate how thoughtful their message was.
I love Mel brooks. Good advice from his son.
— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) March 16, 2020
Hilarious & effective message from Mel Brooks & his son Max. STAY HOME!
— Ted Allen (@TheTedAllen) March 16, 2020
You can always count on Mel!Stay safe everyone!
— Larry King (@kingsthings) March 16, 2020
Some even had fun using GIFs and images from his own films.
Avian pandemic
— Ariel Gonzalez (@ArielGonzalez_1) March 16, 2020
some of his best silent work since…well, you know
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) March 16, 2020
Some even wanted to add Betty White's name to Max's list.
And Betty White Thank you Max! Say hello to Mel.
— Baligubadle (@Baligubadle1) March 16, 2020
Users were very happy to see Mel still healthy at his age.
He looks so healthy, what a gem he is. Thanks for this.
— OklahomaLover72 (@OLover72) March 16, 2020
We have 284 years of comic genius on the line here people. You must stay home!
Please listen to Max's wise words everyone. It's great advice & we simply can't take the risk of endangering Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner & Dick Van Dyke, who represent a collective 284 years of comic genius!!! #coronavirus #DontBeASpreader
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) March 16, 2020
Stay safe, and keep laughing!
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