We Turned Know Your Meme Into A Pickle!

We Turned Know Your Meme Into A Pickle!
We Turned Know Your Meme Into A Pickle!

Published March 31, 2020

Published March 31, 2020

Reader. Hey, reader! Over here at KnowYourMeme.com. Look at the website. Just look at it. You’re not gonna regret it. The payoff is huge.

Notice anything? Maybe something green?

OK. You’re not going to believe this: We turned Know Your Meme into a pickle! Boom! Big reveal: we’re a pickle website. What do you think about that? We turned into a pickle! What are you just staring at us for? We’re a pickle website!

Like, we used to be a just website, but now, we’re a pickle. So crazy, right? Hilarious. It’s nuts. We’re nuts. No, wait, we’re a pickle.

I know that some of you are probably thinking, “Wait, what? I thought you were an internet meme database.” Dang. I feel so sorry for those without a solid grasp of theoretical physics or extremely subtle humor to get the joke. It's actually the funniest stuff ever. Well, to be fair, you have to have a pretty high IQ to get this one.

What does this mean? Uh, I think it’s pretty clear: We’re a pickle. So enjoy the new website -- er, I mean, pickle, which is what we are. So funny. God, my knee’s gonna be sore tonight … from all the slappin’.

Enjoy, the pickle!


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