white papers
Surrealist Memes: Regression or Progression?
At the beginning of this year, ironic meme culture broke new grounds with the media spotlight on the rise of surreal memes. Many months have passed since then, and the community of surreal meme makers are still growing. Thoughts?
white papers
Remastered Games: A Rightful Homage to the Classics? Or a Lazy Marketing Tactic?
Nostalgia is a powerful emotion, and it seems video game developers have figured that out. Remastered iterations of gaming classics are rolling out in bunches now, giving old-school gamers all the feels for their favorite titles but with crisp graphics and quick processing. But are gamers being played by developers logging into human’s draw to nostalgia to make a quick buck on memories?
white papers
Kathy Griffin’s Severed Trump Head: Give Her a Pass or Take Her to Task?
In our latest collaboration with The Perspective, we try to make a case for, and against, the controversial stunt recently staged by CNN TV host and comedian Kathy Griffin.
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Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?
In our latest collaboration with The Perspective, we break down the main arguments from the opposing viewpoints on the most intense debate of the year so far. What do you think? Is a hot dog a sandwich or not?
white papers
Internet Meme Exchange Stock Market Report
Here's how it all went down during our Internet Meme Exchange event on April 1st.
white papers
Timeline of Ironic Memes
How ironic memes have evolved over the years.
white papers
Internet Science Field Report: Kony Ruins Friendships
Are Kony-related status updates driving you to the verge of an unfriending spree on Facebook? Well, you're certainly not alone and here's why: Facebook.
white papers
Internet Science Field Report: The Defensive Internet
The Internet has plenty of stuff to be afraid of--from lawmakers and copyright holders to Chuck Norris and Bono--but what about itself? Recent SOPA and ACTA-related media has contributed to a flood of incorrect information and questionable-to-say-the-least protest techniques. In the future, what can the Internet do to stay the course and assure a common, correct, convincing voice?
white papers
Visual Analysis: Worldwide Cybercrime Complaints and Laws
In light of recent activity by groups like Lulzsec and Operation Antisec, here's a look at what you might be in for if you get caught. Unless you live in Ghana.
white papers
Visual Analysis: Anonymous Hacktivists
In the wake of Lulzsec associate "Ryan Schmeary’s arrest":/memes/lulzsec#arrest earlier this week, here's an overview of legal actions taken by various law-enforcement agencies in response to the recent waves of Anonymous ops.
white papers
Visual Analysis: LulzSecurity
Lulzsec has been hacking the Internet like it's their job. Someone's gotta start counting.
white papers
Visual Analysis: Dimensions of Rage
Rage comics now include a much wider range of emotions than simple anger. Where do they all line up?