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Christian Side of Tumblr
![I WANT TO BE SO FULL OF CHRIST THAT WHEN A MOSQUITO BITES ME HE FLIES AWAY SINGING THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD slihgtlydyslexic foreverangells Church is weird if there was a christian side of tumblr this is what their text posts would look like](
![I WANT TO BE SO FULL OF CHRIST THAT WHEN A MOSQUITO BITES ME HE FLIES AWAY SINGING THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD slihgtlydyslexic foreverangells Church is weird if there was a christian side of tumblr this is what their text posts would look like](
I had Satan as a substitute teacher once. It was the best day I had in school.
![If you don't teach your child to obey Jesus, the devil will teach them evolution, sexuality psychology, witchcraft de bear-eggs geekandmisand Wow, I had no idea Satan was so knowledgeable and generous with his time #Team Satan Can satan come teach a class at my school](
![If you don't teach your child to obey Jesus, the devil will teach them evolution, sexuality psychology, witchcraft de bear-eggs geekandmisand Wow, I had no idea Satan was so knowledgeable and generous with his time #Team Satan Can satan come teach a class at my school](
Jesus has all the swag points
![The son of man did not come to be served, but to serve... Matthew 20:28](
![The son of man did not come to be served, but to serve... Matthew 20:28](
Praise be
Sonic found his calling
Jesus loves boobs
Fuck it, just wanted it saved before page 15 burns it.
![The Dark Age Myth: An Atheist , In tact, sonse of th惷efforts by the theologians to put some limits on what could and could not be accepted via the "new learning actually had the effect of stimulating Reviews "God's Philosophers" hings that couid not be stated as phcsophicaly true particulaly things hat put imits on dine omn potence This had the interesting eftect of making it clear that Aristotle had, acualy, got some things badly wrong-something Thomas Aquinas enphasired in This famous and highy Neill The condemnatons and Thomas Sutma Theloge had crealed a amework whn ●book, why back University of Tasmania i found a copy eterma, tull stop. And i of meticulously caalogued Islamic Arstote could be wrong abou something that he regarded as compeley certanty phlosophers of the Middle Ages to move decisively beyond the achievements of the Greeks"(Hannam pp. 104-105) sstrolabes wth photos, cagrame, GOD'S Which pecsey what they proceeded to do Far from being stagnant dartge the first haf ofthe lledeval Penod 4500-1000 AO) certarty wws he pend tom 1000 to 1500 AD樲tusty 38v PHILOSOPHERS Greeks, tar eclipsing the Roman and Hetenic Eras in every respect with Occan and Duns Scos taking the critical approach to Ansiotie further than Aquinas more caurious approach, the way was open for the Medeval sclentists of the Fourfeenth and Fifeenth Centuries to question ecamine so Iwent vithout lunch put down a 10 and came back weeky for several monthe to pay Twelth Century had given them JAMES HANNA brown paper in greater than finally petting your hands on a book your've been Hannam's God's Phosephers: How me Medveval World Lavd the Foundations ot Modern o counner the biased mys about i being a Dan story of tmat breakthrough, and the remarikable Oxford scholars who achieved it and foundations of true science-th ·Memon Calculators, probably deserves あbook in itself tornannar, scount certarty des trem lustice rom53 nethod-Thomas I M Swineshead- deserve to be better knon. Unfortunately, the obscuring shadow or dismissed even in quite recent popusa occupational hazards of being an anest and secular humanst who hangs around quotes of eany science and e qure leamed in things e geology and biologyuulty have a grasp of every genuine trmhoever werage person's grasp of history uterly feeble never make his entry through t portais of wesoon·Ouoted n Hannan p 1 76) These men were rot orty te r rst to tr y apply matematc5tophysacs b also develped ogarthrc Sunctions 300 years betore John Napier and the Mean Speed Theoren 200 years hoary old myth that the creanod with discovering hings that nonsense. or otherwtse inegent peopl scholars had aready developed is yet another indcation of how the Myhhas warped our smany e physics and ashonomy of Jean Bundan and Nicholas oesrne were rade" and profound, bus generaity unknon to ne average reader. Buridan was one of ne first to compae myth that the Catholic Church caused the Dark Ages and the Meter. Pemd was scienttc wsslerand is regulary sheeled clockwork universe which was to serve scientists well into our own era began in the Middle Ages And Oesme's speculations atout rotating tarh stow5Tet Medien scholars were happy to trundie around to them tainy outandsh at this partcuar idea acualy worked quite we These nen are hadly the products of a "dan age and meir careers are conspicuously free of any of the inquistors and thheats of buming so fondy and lurdy nagned by the他vered proponents of"the Myth" The myth gces that the Greeks and dong a. bands of marveous things memnul-Scale stean engines one exampe thats usualy, rather fanchuily, inwoked) untl Christanity came along. Christanty then banned all earning and reonal thoughe and ushered in the Dark Ages Then an ron-tsted theocracy bached by à Gestapo-styse inulition, prevented aity Sdence or qestoring nary tram Galileo, Inevitably mentioned above, no manifestation or "the Myth" is complete without t e 0ameo Cnuch persecuing anyone for anything knows and perneales nodem cuiture A recent episode of Family Guy had Stewie and Bran enter a tuturistc altemative world where, R was esplained, things were so advanced because Chrtstenty da destoy learning usher in the Dark Ages and slfe science The wr ers adm' oversimplication of a comples business, and one that ignores the fact hat Galeo's main problen wws not simpty hat his ideas dsagreed wth scriptural interpretation but sso wth the sclence of need to esplan what stevie meane-hey assumed everyone undersood usualy depicled, the real sticking point the old "Conflict Thesis" for science instead of the intating mystical New Age kook he actualy was Hypata is presented as another sch martytand the myhical Christian destuction of the Great Library of Alesanda i spolen of in hushed tones,despte both these oas being totaly uue The Gaeo Anar scenae objections couid be Church, despte that case being as much about science amost without tat, soeone digs up a grapnc (see heory Gale nost people are uterly ignorant of history and unabie something called "Scen tc Advancerenr carrt be measured. let alone picted graph a theoretical caiculating device, then emer ignored and forgotten (only to be rediscovered independenay later) or scomed bus quiety approprated The case for Galeo using the work of Medieval scholars without acknovledgement BY eagemess to dump Medleval "dalectic which made, ito 'Renassance" s curtusty conservative and rther retrograde mover ern r1 nany ways vorthy as a taity cnaied analys more than they could chew Iwas able to follow his angument quite persecutes nartyy to genars, mig along wyns, aner ail have a rapd a paxce to really carry then 1000 BCE som other baggage weighing her down. A power, wring Christian Dark Ages thinkers weren't aways the nicest of people, doesn t mean that Intererng in their work and banning theer ides was jusatabie then know next to nothing about howtory l hav. samply picked up th@e·strang. ídeas from o totaily stump hese propagators by asiking mem to presen clentist bumed persecuted, or oppressed for their science in the Middle Ages pseudo-historical msunderstanding That said, Power does have sonething of a point when Descartes when asked why they clentsts-ke bertus Magus, Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, John Peckham Duns Scotus Thomas braardne.Wter Buerym Heytesbury. Richard Suineshea Jon Oumbeton opponents usualy Scratich their heads in puzziement at what just went wrong nouidboard plough adopted and water and wind power hamessed to greaty increase production previously unproductive parts of Europe is generaly sound igir n of the Myths 1062 mor pretty much rejected by mitary hstorans. Nso his clains about seems to accept white's thesis a rather more person웨 note as a humanist ind ahest myserrere s a rather snppy ine aside on page 2 Thome35 Hudey、John Willam Draper Myth" n shoud Neill Lterature from the University of Tasana ca factor Mdale Ages was. Whle writers like Charles Freeman contnue to lumber s probabiy doing some good Folow is bign so-caled Dark Ages Edward Grant's superb God and Reason e time Gerbert ot Aurillac, Anseim, Abelard. ann's book seem to have stractng se the sheer voume of naes and mnHeiograp certainly more accessible than a stodgy abstract analyss Twelth Century Renassance which contrary other grea an hough the sudden stimuius accepied heology Hannam careta guand acions and were in almost every case totalty unesuccesstl in cuntaling the inevitable nood of ideas](
![The Dark Age Myth: An Atheist , In tact, sonse of th惷efforts by the theologians to put some limits on what could and could not be accepted via the "new learning actually had the effect of stimulating Reviews "God's Philosophers" hings that couid not be stated as phcsophicaly true particulaly things hat put imits on dine omn potence This had the interesting eftect of making it clear that Aristotle had, acualy, got some things badly wrong-something Thomas Aquinas enphasired in This famous and highy Neill The condemnatons and Thomas Sutma Theloge had crealed a amework whn ●book, why back University of Tasmania i found a copy eterma, tull stop. And i of meticulously caalogued Islamic Arstote could be wrong abou something that he regarded as compeley certanty phlosophers of the Middle Ages to move decisively beyond the achievements of the Greeks"(Hannam pp. 104-105) sstrolabes wth photos, cagrame, GOD'S Which pecsey what they proceeded to do Far from being stagnant dartge the first haf ofthe lledeval Penod 4500-1000 AO) certarty wws he pend tom 1000 to 1500 AD樲tusty 38v PHILOSOPHERS Greeks, tar eclipsing the Roman and Hetenic Eras in every respect with Occan and Duns Scos taking the critical approach to Ansiotie further than Aquinas more caurious approach, the way was open for the Medeval sclentists of the Fourfeenth and Fifeenth Centuries to question ecamine so Iwent vithout lunch put down a 10 and came back weeky for several monthe to pay Twelth Century had given them JAMES HANNA brown paper in greater than finally petting your hands on a book your've been Hannam's God's Phosephers: How me Medveval World Lavd the Foundations ot Modern o counner the biased mys about i being a Dan story of tmat breakthrough, and the remarikable Oxford scholars who achieved it and foundations of true science-th ·Memon Calculators, probably deserves あbook in itself tornannar, scount certarty des trem lustice rom53 nethod-Thomas I M Swineshead- deserve to be better knon. Unfortunately, the obscuring shadow or dismissed even in quite recent popusa occupational hazards of being an anest and secular humanst who hangs around quotes of eany science and e qure leamed in things e geology and biologyuulty have a grasp of every genuine trmhoever werage person's grasp of history uterly feeble never make his entry through t portais of wesoon·Ouoted n Hannan p 1 76) These men were rot orty te r rst to tr y apply matematc5tophysacs b also develped ogarthrc Sunctions 300 years betore John Napier and the Mean Speed Theoren 200 years hoary old myth that the creanod with discovering hings that nonsense. or otherwtse inegent peopl scholars had aready developed is yet another indcation of how the Myhhas warped our smany e physics and ashonomy of Jean Bundan and Nicholas oesrne were rade" and profound, bus generaity unknon to ne average reader. Buridan was one of ne first to compae myth that the Catholic Church caused the Dark Ages and the Meter. Pemd was scienttc wsslerand is regulary sheeled clockwork universe which was to serve scientists well into our own era began in the Middle Ages And Oesme's speculations atout rotating tarh stow5Tet Medien scholars were happy to trundie around to them tainy outandsh at this partcuar idea acualy worked quite we These nen are hadly the products of a "dan age and meir careers are conspicuously free of any of the inquistors and thheats of buming so fondy and lurdy nagned by the他vered proponents of"the Myth" The myth gces that the Greeks and dong a. bands of marveous things memnul-Scale stean engines one exampe thats usualy, rather fanchuily, inwoked) untl Christanity came along. Christanty then banned all earning and reonal thoughe and ushered in the Dark Ages Then an ron-tsted theocracy bached by à Gestapo-styse inulition, prevented aity Sdence or qestoring nary tram Galileo, Inevitably mentioned above, no manifestation or "the Myth" is complete without t e 0ameo Cnuch persecuing anyone for anything knows and perneales nodem cuiture A recent episode of Family Guy had Stewie and Bran enter a tuturistc altemative world where, R was esplained, things were so advanced because Chrtstenty da destoy learning usher in the Dark Ages and slfe science The wr ers adm' oversimplication of a comples business, and one that ignores the fact hat Galeo's main problen wws not simpty hat his ideas dsagreed wth scriptural interpretation but sso wth the sclence of need to esplan what stevie meane-hey assumed everyone undersood usualy depicled, the real sticking point the old "Conflict Thesis" for science instead of the intating mystical New Age kook he actualy was Hypata is presented as another sch martytand the myhical Christian destuction of the Great Library of Alesanda i spolen of in hushed tones,despte both these oas being totaly uue The Gaeo Anar scenae objections couid be Church, despte that case being as much about science amost without tat, soeone digs up a grapnc (see heory Gale nost people are uterly ignorant of history and unabie something called "Scen tc Advancerenr carrt be measured. let alone picted graph a theoretical caiculating device, then emer ignored and forgotten (only to be rediscovered independenay later) or scomed bus quiety approprated The case for Galeo using the work of Medieval scholars without acknovledgement BY eagemess to dump Medleval "dalectic which made, ito 'Renassance" s curtusty conservative and rther retrograde mover ern r1 nany ways vorthy as a taity cnaied analys more than they could chew Iwas able to follow his angument quite persecutes nartyy to genars, mig along wyns, aner ail have a rapd a paxce to really carry then 1000 BCE som other baggage weighing her down. A power, wring Christian Dark Ages thinkers weren't aways the nicest of people, doesn t mean that Intererng in their work and banning theer ides was jusatabie then know next to nothing about howtory l hav. samply picked up th@e·strang. ídeas from o totaily stump hese propagators by asiking mem to presen clentist bumed persecuted, or oppressed for their science in the Middle Ages pseudo-historical msunderstanding That said, Power does have sonething of a point when Descartes when asked why they clentsts-ke bertus Magus, Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, John Peckham Duns Scotus Thomas braardne.Wter Buerym Heytesbury. Richard Suineshea Jon Oumbeton opponents usualy Scratich their heads in puzziement at what just went wrong nouidboard plough adopted and water and wind power hamessed to greaty increase production previously unproductive parts of Europe is generaly sound igir n of the Myths 1062 mor pretty much rejected by mitary hstorans. Nso his clains about seems to accept white's thesis a rather more person웨 note as a humanist ind ahest myserrere s a rather snppy ine aside on page 2 Thome35 Hudey、John Willam Draper Myth" n shoud Neill Lterature from the University of Tasana ca factor Mdale Ages was. Whle writers like Charles Freeman contnue to lumber s probabiy doing some good Folow is bign so-caled Dark Ages Edward Grant's superb God and Reason e time Gerbert ot Aurillac, Anseim, Abelard. ann's book seem to have stractng se the sheer voume of naes and mnHeiograp certainly more accessible than a stodgy abstract analyss Twelth Century Renassance which contrary other grea an hough the sudden stimuius accepied heology Hannam careta guand acions and were in almost every case totalty unesuccesstl in cuntaling the inevitable nood of ideas](
![SOAKING is a practice used by some young mormons to engage in premarital SEXUAL ACTIVIT without angering God. Basically, a guy “soaks" his peris rnade o grl without moving becaue i's the motion that makes it a sin. This is effective because God is a T-Rex. and His Vision is based on movement THey Go? G /BisFoot JusticeComics comilby: mikE SALCEDO](
![SOAKING is a practice used by some young mormons to engage in premarital SEXUAL ACTIVIT without angering God. Basically, a guy “soaks" his peris rnade o grl without moving becaue i's the motion that makes it a sin. This is effective because God is a T-Rex. and His Vision is based on movement THey Go? G /BisFoot JusticeComics comilby: mikE SALCEDO](
![lordcullen when the king brags about his beautiful wife at dinner and you heard in confession which knight she's sleeping with](
![lordcullen when the king brags about his beautiful wife at dinner and you heard in confession which knight she's sleeping with](
![Christian couple maintains abstinence through first two years of marriage Email 756 Share 386K Tweet 13.7K TOPEKA Jon and Darla Crocker, who dutifully abstained from sex during their 14-month courtship, have remained abstinent after marriage and plan to do so indefinitely. "If it was holy before, it must be double-holy afterwards," Darla says. They have now completed 25 months of marriage without any sexual contact, going about their normal lives, jobs and social calendar with no hint of relational strain. Sometimes after dinner they will kiss in the kitchen and “start having bedroom thoughts," Darla says, but they never fail to pull back. Darla breaks away to spray cool, misted water on her face. Jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood Jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood](
![Christian couple maintains abstinence through first two years of marriage Email 756 Share 386K Tweet 13.7K TOPEKA Jon and Darla Crocker, who dutifully abstained from sex during their 14-month courtship, have remained abstinent after marriage and plan to do so indefinitely. "If it was holy before, it must be double-holy afterwards," Darla says. They have now completed 25 months of marriage without any sexual contact, going about their normal lives, jobs and social calendar with no hint of relational strain. Sometimes after dinner they will kiss in the kitchen and “start having bedroom thoughts," Darla says, but they never fail to pull back. Darla breaks away to spray cool, misted water on her face. Jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood Jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood](
![ESUS IS A C--- whatthefjoey I heard you were talking s--- 432,635 notes](
![ESUS IS A C--- whatthefjoey I heard you were talking s--- 432,635 notes](
Christianity - You're doing it wrong
What The Duck Did I Just Read?
He Got Hit By A Meteor For Your Sins
He's Above That
![Maiking on land is so mainstreamm](
![Maiking on land is so mainstreamm](
Don't Jesus, DON'T!
![This is so hot. What's the name of this video again? 2 girls, 1 cup Yeah, write that down for me.](
![This is so hot. What's the name of this video again? 2 girls, 1 cup Yeah, write that down for me.](