![Dobi's birthday Dobi's birthday](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/square/000/005/470/198929_10150131220005197_702345196_6511945_7661581_n.jpg)
Dobi's birthday
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This is the first Bulgarian meme. On the 29th March 2011 Facebook user Dobromira Ilieva (Dobi for short) created the event "RojdEnniq mi deeeen :P" (My biRthdaaaay :P) with instructions on when and where will her birthday be celebrated. The problem was she created a public event. Within the next 24 hours 40000 people were invited from which 7000 confirmed they will attend. Her account went private after a couple of her public pictures were used in memegenerator. The event was posted on the major Bulgarian forums, there was also a wikipedia.bg entry.
The catch phrase is "my ApArtment is smAll but whEn enOugh peOple gAthEr we cAn go sOmewhEre elsE!"
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