
What's The 'Friggin' Packet Yo' Meme? Jeff Bliss And His Famous 'Student Teaches Teacher' Video Explained

Jeff Bliss from the Friggin' Packet Yo meme that's viral on TikTok.
Jeff Bliss from the Friggin' Packet Yo meme that's viral on TikTok.

Published February 05, 2025

Published February 05, 2025

Before this year, if you asked some kid who Jeff Bliss is, they'd give you a blank Sigma Stare back. But because of a recent TikTok and Instagram Reels trend, every kid knows him as the "Friggin' Packet Yo guy."

Jeff Bliss first went viral over a decade ago during a different time on the internet, when one viral video could land you on Ellen or earn you interviews in major publications. Bliss already had his 15 seconds of fame, but apparently, 2025 meme creators needed to extend it.

So, who is Jeff Bliss? What is the "Friggin' Packet Yo" meme and why is it back? Let's explain.

What's The Original 'Friggin' Packet Yo' Video?

The original video is called "Student Teaches Teacher," and it was posted to YouTube in 2013 by a kid named James Smith. It was a recording of a confrontation that happened at a Texas high school between a passionate, long-haired student who just wanted to learn something and his teacher.

He tells her to stop "handing them a friggin, packet, yo," and that some people "don't learn like that." He storms out of the classroom and leaves his class stunned.

The video achieved viral acclaim pretty quickly. In a day, it received over 1.3 million views. That was almost unprecedented at the time. Nowadays, because of TikTok, 1 million views seem like nothing.

What's The 'Friggin' Packet Yo' Copypasta And Script?

The student's rant has been used as a copypasta in the years since, especially this year, as viral reenactments of the scene are trending on TikTok. For your use, here it is in full:

Student: Hearing this frickin' lady go off on kids 'cause they don't freakin' get this crap?

Teacher: Bye.

Student: If you'd just get up and teach them instead of handing 'em a friggin' packet, yo. There's kids in here who don't learn like that.

Teacher: Bye.

Student: They need to learn face-to-face.

Teacher: Bye.

Student: You're just gettin' mad 'cause I'm pointin' out the obvious.

Teacher: No. It's just that you're wastin' my time.

Student: No, I'm not wastin' your time.

Teacher: Hm-hm.

Student: I'm tellin' you what you need to do.

Teacher: Get out.

Student: Do you want kids to come in your class? Do you them to get excited for this? You gotta come in here and make 'em excited. You want a kid to change and become better? You gotta touch his frickin' heart. You can't expect a kid to change if all you do is just tell him.

Teacher: Bye.

Student: You gotta- You gotta take this job serious. This is the future of this nation. And when you come in here, like you did last time and make a statement about, "Oh, this is my paycheck," indeed it is but this is my country's future and my education.

Teacher: I- I respect it but can you go outside, please?

Student: But there's a limit when I'm not bitching but simply making an observation.

Teacher: O- Okay. Okay.

Student: And now I will leave. You're welcome.

Teacher: Good, good. Bye.

Student: And if you would like, I'll teach you a little more so you can actually learn how to teach a frickin' class.

Teacher: No, no, you're not welcome back.

Student: 'Cause since I got here, I have done nothin' but read packets. So, don't try and take credibility for teachin' me jack.

Teacher: Just go, bye. Close the door.

Who Is Jeff Bliss?

Jeff Bliss is the disgruntled student in the "Friggin' Packet Yo" video. He was 18 at the time but still in his sophomore year of high school. In an early interview with the YouTube channel SAY CHEESE! Bliss said that his teacher told him to "Quit bitchin'" after he asked her a question about the time allocations for the test, causing him to have his frustrated outburst.

After the incident went viral, Bliss' teacher was actually fired. That was before he was a guest on Tosh.0 with comedian Daniel Tosh.

After some digging from Know Your Meme last month, Bliss' whereabouts appear to be hush-hush.

The Jeff Bliss video has experienced a resurgence online after many TikTokers decided to reenact the videos with close to 100 percent accuracy. A trend of speedrunning the script has also surfaced, started by a series of Johnnie Walker memes following the same directive.

The meme's now known as "Friggin' Packet Yo" in this revival. Meme mash-ups are a big part of the catchphrase's exposure, in which the copypasta is combined with others like Senator, I'm Singaporean and Connect, Connect.

The whole ordeal is rather dizzying and has pulled all meaning out of the original sensation. People loved Bliss for speaking the truth and standing up for the future of his country. Nowadays, the artifact is seen as just another cringe piece of media to devolve.

@joeduncan2004 friggin packet yo #frigginpacketyo ♬ Twenty One Pilots Hometown Slowed Sad Part – Half Angel Half Devil

@vexbolts Vexbolts learning face to face 💔 BROOOO #vexbolts #lethimcook #frigginpacketyo ♬ original sound – Vexbolts

For the full history of Jeff Bliss and Friggin' Packet Yo, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's entry for even more information.

Tags: friggin packet yo, friggin packet yo meme, jeff bliss, jeff bliss meme, student teaches teacher, hand them a friggin packet yo, packet yo, explained, original, origin, meaning, copypasta, friggin packet yo copypasta,